Ã￾DDQD 2.0 level 70 Frostwhisper EU (H)


[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Welcome to íddqd! The guild was originally began by Rxr back in The Burning Crusade originally for 60's, how ever as time progressed and WOTLK hit, the members and the guild progressed on and level'd to 70. as Cataclym came, people had moved on and we saw the guild collapse. However, it is being rebuilt and you could be a part of it! The guild is aiming to be a small and compact one, but with high quality players and a good atmosphere within the guild. Raiding days could potentially be Friday/Saturday or possibly tuesday, however we understand that some people want to get the content out of the way earliest in the week.[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]the aim of the guild is to cover both the pvp and the pve aspects of wow. PVE wise, we will start clearing SWP with as many as we can, but when our members get use to each other and progress, we will begin 10 man SWP's weekly, where we will hopefully have 2-3 10 man groups running and competing for gold prizes![/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]PvP wise: we aim to get two top quality teams up, we will have ventrillo at our use so communication will be much easier. we will have 2-3 leaders for each team which will be in charge of creating there individual teams and setting up RBG matches against other guilds.[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We are currently recruiting all classes and specs (One guild requirements is that you have 1 full pvp set and 1 full pve set)[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Guild Website: www.iddqd.guildportal.com - feel free to leave and application[/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]If you have an questions please contact Borö on Frostwhisper![/font]

Wow good luck getting it going again.
I think that if you really want to start a proper guild you should create a new guild with a new guild, rather than trying to benefit from someone's else's hard work and reputation to cover for your horrible spelling/grammar and inability to properly present an appealing guild advertisement.
I think that if you really want to start a proper guild you should create a new guild with a new guild, rather than trying to benefit from someone's else's hard work and reputation to cover for your horrible spelling/grammar and inability to properly present an appealing guild advertisement.

roflpoaw If im not correct boro was part of the original iddqd.. he has rights to that
Unholyshaman, im not here to take credibility for a guild that 2 years ago was unique. neither am i in it because i think im all that n' the rest of it. im in it because i know a lot of people in the bracket were disapointed when i chose to level up my shaman, and many did the same, however, some continued to stay at 70, and for those people who primarily enjoyed being a part of the previous guilds i have lead, i am choosing to do this for them.

What happened after i left BTS was clearly out of my control, and the guild "fell apart" (quoted from many players that whispered me).

Im not expecting this next guild i lead and create to be like the "old iddqd" for one simple reason. THE GAME CHANGED. its nowt like it use to be, and everyone knows it.
BTS fell apart when we tried to merge with a guild on Kul'Tiras (Can't even remember the name TBH).

I had my doubts so I stayed on FW until I heard it was a good idea to go there. That never happened.

Also if I remember correctly, Boro did a good job in old iddqd as well, I think I can recall him even being temp. guild leader while rxr was gone for a while as well - so he has all the permission to start a new guild with the same name.
I have applied
(redbulled) resto/feral druid
Isn't this like the 5th time you've actually tried to *remake* IDDQD?

Also, as mentioned in previous statements, you'll never remake the previous IDDQD experience that it used to be. Alot of the core members have moved on and will never go back to 70. Other than tho, Goodluck and Enjoy a broken and retarded Bracket.

P.S: Steve has aids.
hmm who mentioned disaster thread inc earlier?

anyways so what i want to remake iddqd, why's that such a bad thing?
p.s. snared, i never tried to remake iddqd. i know i never will, its not the fact that i will never get the same players back in it, nor will Rxr b leading it or w/e. its the simple fact, like i memntioned earlier, the guild ive been apart of after iddqd were not even comparable to IDDQD for the simple reason: THE GAME CHANGED.

now, if all ur gonna do is sit there and troll, then be my guest, i enjoyed the bracket becaus eof the certain people i use to play with. quite frankley you are not one of em. jog the fuck on.

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