
Just like to give you a shout out Øbscure if your a TI'er. Played against you tonight and thought you were very very quality.
Not possible. Your far from quality. If I had to rank you, you'd be in the Kale Tier.

Kale is still more skilled
Even though he has a /afk macro in his abilities xD
We tried to /dance with Kale in a wsg today, 5 of us in the Flag room but when we hojed him and /danced he just left anyway

Woulda made a pretty epic screeny
I remember that one. I zoned in on a game in progress and as I left the FR I saw a hunter, who wasn't stupid enough to melee me, and so we engaged in a drawn out LoS battle. I then noticed he was taking heals, so I built up some holy power on the pet and waited for HoJ CD and then burst down the shaman, killing him. I then went back to the LoS fight with the hunter and noticed a druid in healer shoulders hiding around the corner, so went after him. Before my CDs and holy power came up enough to take him out I noticed 2-3 people more coming up the ramp and at that point realised this wasn't going to happen and left.

It wasn't until after I left that I saw the multiple <name>-AP dances emotes. I tunnel vision like that. The chat bar doesn't really catch my attention when I'm in combat.
Yeah, I noticed that afterwards. I always go for druids first. They are the squishiest, especially if I see healer shoulders, which really stand out.
Yeah, I noticed that afterwards. I always go for druids first. They are the squishiest, especially if I see healer shoulders, which really stand out.

So you aim to remove the least useful healer of them all from the battle instead of being an asset and killing something worth while. Kk
So you aim to remove the least useful healer of them all from the battle instead of being an asset and killing something worth while. Kk

More like aim to take out the mother fucker that can nic your flag and have it half way across the map before you can mount....
Look, troll bot, in a fight against a hunter and a healer, take out the healer and then the hunter. Pretty simple. Killing a hunter is a slow process for a paladin and it's impossible to kill a hunter that is getting healed. I know you're a moron, I know you like to try and initiate pointless shit on the forums, but this is beyond your normal level of stupid. Is it even worth responding to you in future? Do me a favor and keep the moronic remarks to yourself.

As far as healers generally go though, druids are the fastest to kill. Paladin armor and mobile healing make them slow to kill. Priest bubble and fear takes a while too. Shamans can kite and their healing makes them almost unkillable. Druids are the fastest to kill, and I always take out the weakest first.

Only a fool ignores an easy target so they can concentrate on something you consider more worthwhile.
Look, troll bot, in a fight against a hunter and a healer, take out the healer and then the hunter. Pretty simple. Killing a hunter is a slow process for a paladin and it's impossible to kill a hunter that is getting healed. I know you're a moron, I know you like to try and initiate pointless shit on the forums, but this is beyond your normal level of stupid. Is it even worth responding to you in future? Do me a favor and keep the moronic remarks to yourself.

As far as healers generally go though, druids are the fastest to kill. Paladin armor and mobile healing make them slow to kill. Priest bubble and fear takes a while too. Shamans can kite and their healing makes them almost unkillable. Druids are the fastest to kill, and I always take out the weakest first.

Only a fool ignores an easy target so they can concentrate on something you consider more worthwhile.

[ ] Not Told

[ ] Told

[ ] Fucking Told

[X] Knights of the Told Republic
Damn Shiftqt. You just got shitted on. Every time you make a post I'm just going to link this shit back to you and I don't even know you.

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