So on Blackwing Lair, we like to go on adventures. Our most recent adventure was to Whispering Forest. Even though we didn't get see the Faerie Dragons sing, we still had a blast doing other things, see below!
This is the circle where the Faerie Dragon Event is supposed to happen. That's Fubs and me (Droobie) standing in the middle of the circle.
After everyone got here ,we took a picture on the big mushroom just for fun. However, It was kind of hard taking the picture while trying to get everyone's face and names due to our varying heights. It still makes for pretty cool pictures though.
Then we went exploring and looking around at the area. We went to the big lake with an island and decided to go fishing! Apparently, Bendandcough "caught" an Old Crafty.
Can't pull one over on me. Swaggleberry took a little longer getting to the island, making it so Swag was not present in the first screenshot.
As our adventure was winding down, someone had the bright idea of taking the level 80 deer down. Fubs had already left group at the point, as it was late, but agreed to join us in trying to kill the deer. We didn't have that much of a plan to begin with, or at least I didn't. Haha. Fubs and Bendandcough had warned us about dying and wondering how we were going to get back up here if we died. Felwatcher offered to put a soulstone on someone so they could rez if needed. So that was our plan.
Thus, Felwatcher, Swaggleberry, and I attacked the deer, (who had 6K not 2K health as I thought) and the stag came and killed all three of us. Bendandcough was still running from it though! Fubs quickly rezzed us and the fight began! Bendandcough kited it while everyone else dps-ed the Tirisfal Stag, who had roughly 40K health! There were a couple of times someone died and needed a rez, but overall it went very well.
Finally though, we defeated the great beast! We then dispatched the doe that we had struck earlier. When looted the stag dropped Mistmantle Cowl of the Flameblaze, which I ended up winning. Now if only I could find a way to mog it on to my Lucky Fishing Hat...
And as our hunt came to an end so did our adventure to Whispering Forest. We checked the Fairy Ring again, but still no luck with the Faerie Dragons. Oh well, maybe that means we will come back here again someday.
If you liked this post please say so below in the comments. If you have helpful critiques, please post them as well.
If you like adventures in general or just want to hang out with a really cool group of people, I encourage you to make an alt on Blackwing Lair. We do a lot of fun stuff from WPvP (owning the road from Duskwood to Northern STV) to Adventures. So please join our group! We'd love to have you!
~Droobie Jenkins
Here is the link to the album.
BWL Whispering Forest F2P Adventure - Imgur
Special Thanks to Fubs, Felwatcher, Swaggleberry, and Bendandcough for adventuring and just being all around cool.
Also, here's a special shout out for Riptides in hopes that he gets his Kaldorei Wind Chimes. He has already done over 130 solves just in Night Elf solves. ><
This is the circle where the Faerie Dragon Event is supposed to happen. That's Fubs and me (Droobie) standing in the middle of the circle.

After everyone got here ,we took a picture on the big mushroom just for fun. However, It was kind of hard taking the picture while trying to get everyone's face and names due to our varying heights. It still makes for pretty cool pictures though.

Then we went exploring and looking around at the area. We went to the big lake with an island and decided to go fishing! Apparently, Bendandcough "caught" an Old Crafty.

As our adventure was winding down, someone had the bright idea of taking the level 80 deer down. Fubs had already left group at the point, as it was late, but agreed to join us in trying to kill the deer. We didn't have that much of a plan to begin with, or at least I didn't. Haha. Fubs and Bendandcough had warned us about dying and wondering how we were going to get back up here if we died. Felwatcher offered to put a soulstone on someone so they could rez if needed. So that was our plan.
Thus, Felwatcher, Swaggleberry, and I attacked the deer, (who had 6K not 2K health as I thought) and the stag came and killed all three of us. Bendandcough was still running from it though! Fubs quickly rezzed us and the fight began! Bendandcough kited it while everyone else dps-ed the Tirisfal Stag, who had roughly 40K health! There were a couple of times someone died and needed a rez, but overall it went very well.

Finally though, we defeated the great beast! We then dispatched the doe that we had struck earlier. When looted the stag dropped Mistmantle Cowl of the Flameblaze, which I ended up winning. Now if only I could find a way to mog it on to my Lucky Fishing Hat...

And as our hunt came to an end so did our adventure to Whispering Forest. We checked the Fairy Ring again, but still no luck with the Faerie Dragons. Oh well, maybe that means we will come back here again someday.

If you liked this post please say so below in the comments. If you have helpful critiques, please post them as well.
If you like adventures in general or just want to hang out with a really cool group of people, I encourage you to make an alt on Blackwing Lair. We do a lot of fun stuff from WPvP (owning the road from Duskwood to Northern STV) to Adventures. So please join our group! We'd love to have you!
~Droobie Jenkins
Here is the link to the album.
BWL Whispering Forest F2P Adventure - Imgur
Special Thanks to Fubs, Felwatcher, Swaggleberry, and Bendandcough for adventuring and just being all around cool.
Also, here's a special shout out for Riptides in hopes that he gets his Kaldorei Wind Chimes. He has already done over 130 solves just in Night Elf solves. ><