[99] BiS-Gear instanced PvP-Rogue


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As always any thoughts and information are welcome. (The Haste-Layout is for Combat. If you prefer Assassination or Subtlety, you can switch the Timewalker Warforged and Enchants with your prefered 2nd stat.)

IMPORTANT: As a rogue you will never use a warlords crafted Offhand, never! Not in PvE, not in PvP. We just don't scale that good with weapon-dps and our offhand scales not good at all. No matter which spec you play.

I think that my rogue is almost BiS, a little bit tuning is still missing. This is what I am aiming for and why:

Prideful Gladiator's Leather Helm - Item - World of Warcraft
Agile Primal Diamond
Assassin's Imperial Amethyst

Offensive: Shattered Sun Pendant of Might (still have to test the scaling and the aldor proc)
Defensive: Slasher's Amulet

Contender's Leather Shoulders
Enchant Cloak - Gift of Haste

Shroud of Reverberation
Enchant Cloak - Gift of Haste

Supple Vest

Contender's Leather Bracers - Item - World of Warcraft
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Agility

Prideful Gladiator's Leather Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft
Enchant Gloves - Major Agility
Stormy River's Heart - Item - World of Warcraft

Contender's Leather Belt - Item - World of Warcraft
Living Steel Belt Buckle
Stormy River's Heart - Item - World of Warcraft

Supple Leggings - Item - World of Warcraft

Contender's Leather Boots - Item - World of Warcraft
Enchant Boots - Minor Speed - Item - World of Warcraft

Ring 1:
Solium Band of Dexterity - Item - World of Warcraft
Enchant Ring - Gift of Haste

Ring 2:
Offensive: Ashen Band of Unmatched Vengeance - Item - World of Warcraft
Defensive: Band of Ursol - Item - World of Warcraft
Enchant Ring - Gift of Haste

Cataclysmic Gladiator's Medallion of Tenacity - Item - World of Warcraft
Stone of the Elements - Item - World of Warcraft

Prideful Gladiator's Cleaver - Item - World of Warcraft (or mace / sword / fist weapon)
Enchant Weapon - Mark of Warsong

Prideful Gladiator's Cleaver - Item - World of Warcraft (or mace / sword / fist weapon)
Enchant Weapon - Mark of Warsong

=> 1290 PvP Power = 30.81% increased damage and 12.32 increased healing.
41.87 PvP Power = 1% increased damage
104.675 PvP Power = 1% increased healing

Macro to see what you have (if you are in instanced pvp):
/run print( GetPvpPowerDamage(), GetPvpPowerHealing() )

2pc prideful inc my dmg by 5%, the bonus from the contender by an additional 10%. The pvp power on the weapons inc the dmg each by almost 7% (which makes even the mainhand stronger than a warlords crafted one), I could use the pandaria trinkets to get a 15% dmg reduction but as a rogue, not that important. And the 390 medaillon has better stats than the pandaria ones.


T15: Nightstalker is normally the way to go (145% stealth speed, 215% sprint / burst of speed stealth and 295% nitro stealth is just to awesome and without stealth you run with 125%, 195% and 275%). If you focus on skirmish than Subterfuge could be used aswell.

T30: Nerve Strike or Combat Readiness it's just up to you.

T45: Elusiveness all the way. The other two can't compete.

T60: Burst of Speed for Battlegrounds and for skirmishes you can keep it or switch with Shadowstep. I use BoS always 'cause this way I can kite all day long.

T75: All 3 are useful, i go with Internal Bleeding to increase my pressure.

T90: Here comes my favorite. Shuriken Toss ♥ it hits like a truck. I can kill mages, hunters and stuff in range. This is just too good to be left out. No one can kite you anymore.


Glyph of Feint - Item - World of Warcraft (works great with Elusiveness ofc)
Glyph of Energy - Spell - World of Warcraft (who doesn't like more pew pew?)
Glyph of Garrote - Item - World of Warcraft (casters will hate you even more)
Glyph of Disappearance - Spell - World of Warcraft (you can't see me)
Glyph of Blind - Item - World of Warcraft (don't break my cc)

Charred Glyph (Arathi, Gilneas, Twin Peaks ...)
Glyph of Safe Fall - Item - World of Warcraft (higher and higher)
Glyph of Distract - Item - World of Warcraft (stop right here)

So that should be all for now.

Have a good mythical morning.
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You found these items better than the set bonuses from SoO etc. ?
By a mile, sure.

Using 2 or 4pc of pve armor ... you will lose pvp power and resilience from items themselves. You will lose 5% and or 10% dmg from bonuses and you will lose some more resilience. Then pvp power and resilience are bonus stats which don't reduce the amount of normal 2nd stats. See?:
Prideful Gladiator's Ring of Accuracy - Item - World of Warcraft
Ced's Chiming Circle - Item - World of Warcraft

You are talking about T16, let's take a look at it: When you generate a combo point from Revealing Strike's effect, your next combo point generating ability has its energy cost reduced by 15. Stacks up to 5 times. Fights are very short, you don't stick to a target very long and often you are out of melee range and use shuriken toss. To make it useful this bonus alone has to increase your dmg in short fights by way more than 6%, it doesn't. 4pc Killing Spree deals 10% more damage every time it strikes a target. Killing Spree does most of the thimkes less than 10% of your overall dmg. In PvP you get often cc'ed / interrupted using Killing Spree, so this bonus gets even weaker. And to get 4pc pve you will have to break prideful and contender aka more than 17% dmg and some resilience or you have to get rid of warlords crafted strong slots and lose again.

So no. SoO isn't worth it using at all. And same goes for everything else 'cause they only increse the dmg of some abilities / situations and not our sustained. And on top of that you will always lose pvp power and resilience.
Maybe if I'm bored the next days. I bet i will be. :p

I'm gearing my rogue using your guide, it's level 94 at the moment. Which way is the fastest way to get honor? Need around 7500 honor to get my prideful 2 set and 2x swords. I get like 50 honor per BG won.
I'm gearing my rogue using your guide, it's level 94 at the moment. Which way is the fastest way to get honor? Need around 7500 honor to get my prideful 2 set and 2x swords. I get like 50 honor per BG won.
You don't need much honor, 'cause you don't need Prideful. Pandaria-PvP-Gear does the trick. The stats are the same. For your rogue you need items like: Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Leather Tunic - Item - World of Warcraft. Each piece costs around ~80-100 gold.

And for honor farming on this toon: Skirmish is a good way.

If you wanna use the timewalking gear ... then level to 99 NOW. ;)
Tomorrow starts the BC-Dungeon-Event and you can gear up.
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You don't need much honor, 'cause you don't need Prideful. Pandaria-PvP-Gear does the trick. The stats are the same. For your rogue you need items like: Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Leather Tunic - Item - World of Warcraft. Each piece costs around ~80-100 gold.

And for honor farming on this toon: Skirmish is a good way.

Laxmedjolle @ Ghostlands - Community - World of Warcraft, so i can use Crafted malevolent head and gloves? but i still need 2x prideful weps?

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