Not for casters and not for world pvp in specific. In world pvp a 91 is only capped vs. <=94, you will miss way too often versus 95+ and don't stand a chance vs. 100. But in pve you can compete with 680+ 100s cause of the 2nd stat scaling. So, like I said ^ it depends what he wants to do with this toon.just go 99, always better unless you want to roflstomp people in world pvp but that's just meh
In world pvp a 91 is only capped vs. <=94, you will miss way too often versus 95+ and don't stand a chance vs. 100. But in pve you can compete with 680+ 100s cause of the 2nd stat scaling.
No, you don't. The video shows a warrior, not a caster, they have different calculations for "hit-rating" (spellhit, expertise != hit, expertise). With my 91 warlock i had to cast a dot for like 20 times (miss, miss, miss, miss and so on) before it got applied. Same goes for shadow which is the topic btw. Hitrating, Spellhitrating, Expertiserating are still in the game and active, you just cant reforge / gem / enchant for it and therefore a 91 caster is not good at all for world-pvp when he has to fight 95+. And on top of that you have to have abilities which can't miss / be parried / blocked (miss is important, rest can be done from behind) ... like a warrior has. My Frost-DK has a lot of spells, like howling blast, strangulate ... I miss all the time 'cause those a "caster spells". This has nothing to do with play your cards right, you just don't have any cards.I beg to differ. -snip-
Even though these 100s are bad, just trying to prove my point. 91s are great for wPvP. Just gotta play your cards right, utilize CDs, etc.
No, you don't. The video shows a melee, not a caster, they have different calculations for "hit-rating" (spellhit, expertise != hit, expertise). With my 91 warlock i had to cast a dot for like 20 times (miss, miss, miss, miss and so on) before it got applied. Same goes for shadow which is the topic btw. Hitrating, Spellhitrating, Expertiserating are still in the game and active, you just cant reforge / gem / enchant for it and therefore a 91 caster is not good at all for world-pvp when he has to fight 95+.