85 shadow priest/lock question

Perhaps, go try it out I'd suggest.

Althought, I wouldn't use Variable Pulse Lightning Capacitor - Item - World of Warcraft. If you're a Boomie/Spriest/Lock your DoT's will be the main abilities that proc the effects. However, if you're stacking haste, you'll get less crits so you'll get procs less quickly. Also, there is an 2.5s CD, so your DoT's that will be ticking like a mad man won't have any effect on it. Also, you'll have to hope it releases @ 10 stacks, and not one. In addition to that, accumulating 10 stacks will take 25s if you crit exactly every 2.5s.
If you're going for max haste, you should go for Insignia of the Corrupted Mind - Item - World of Warcraft. You also would want to max out Herbalism for Lifeblood - Spell - World of Warcraft.

On another note, if you're going for max Haste, I would take Seal of the Seven Signs - Item - World of Warcraft over Cunning of the Cruel - Item - World of Warcraft, since the proc effect of Cunning will have an ICD. Also, your DoT's will do much more damage than the proc, and more haste means your DoT's tick even faster. If both trinkets proc, you'll get 6556 haste, with Lifeblood that is 9436 haste, and with Windsong on your weapon and a haste proc you'll get 10936 haste. I think you'll have a really, really nice burst :)

When I get home I'll make a max haste set. (Taking haste>all)
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Here is the set I made: chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA

I took Troll since their racial gives 20% haste on use. Note that this set-up will give you max haste (I think) while using Dragonwrath. You'll have a passive 55% haste. This is not the ideal damange set-up however. This set simply favors haste>all. WIth this gear, both trinket procs, Lifeblood and your racial, I estimate you'll have a total of 160% haste. That should get your DoT's to proc very often. Combine this with the talent Divine Insight and you'll get a lot of free Mindblasts.
seal of 7 signs looks like shit from wowhead comments. 1st off you have to heal (VE doesnt count according to what i read) which is a dps loss, and it also apparently has a massive 2min ICD....id just get the alch trinket, stacking int one, or cunning and not bother with the capacitor
seal of 7 signs looks like shit from wowhead comments. 1st off you have to heal (VE doesnt count according to what i read) which is a dps loss, and it also apparently has a massive 2min ICD....id just get the alch trinket, stacking int one, or cunning and not bother with the capacitor

Damage wise I totally agree. But this is more of a pure haste set :) That trinket isn't very viable in arena's/BG's/duels, might be a bit more viable in PvE if you heal just before fight starts.
Here is the set I made: chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA

I took Troll since their racial gives 20% haste on use. Note that this set-up will give you max haste (I think) while using Dragonwrath. You'll have a passive 55% haste. This is not the ideal damange set-up however. This set simply favors haste>all. WIth this gear, both trinket procs, Lifeblood and your racial, I estimate you'll have a total of 160% haste. That should get your DoT's to proc very often. Combine this with the talent Divine Insight and you'll get a lot of free Mindblasts.

Wow thanks so much for that set.
How do you guys know all the items to make BiS sets and such yourselves? I hate just asking what's best and such, but I don't know how to figure it out my self most times
Wow thanks so much for that set.
How do you guys know all the items to make BiS sets and such yourselves? I hate just asking what's best and such, but I don't know how to figure it out my self most times

Well, when you play at a bracket you'll get a rough idea of what are the best stats etc for a class. Also if you play a lot of different classes you get an idea of what is the best for a class at a certain bracket. As for how I know all the items, I don't. I know several that are good for the classes that I play, but how I find presumable BiS items is just by using the Chardev filter item function. When making a set with Chardev you can click on an item slot, then press filter. Just type the item range 80-85, quality rare and epic, then add another filter and filter on a basic attribute (such as intellect). When you select a class in Chardev you'll only get items that that class can use. Looking at the different items that pop up Chardev, you get a pretty good idea which items will suit your purpose :) But as with all things, experience comes with doing something a lot. If you twink at 85 and play a lot in the bracket, you'll get familiar with a lot of items/classes/specs :)

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