85 Retribution Paladin Gear?


Kind of new to twinking. I've got a ret paladin leftover from cata which I'd like to play with. Don't want to roll holy I prefer doing damage. Does anyone have any mandatory items/gear pieces ideas from MoP minus weapon?

Or even some armory links of high rated 85 PVP paladins would be sweet!
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Update on my gear: So far out of the full cata PVP gear, I've traded out the helmet for Davidian's All-Seeing Eyes, Unbreakable Waistplate belt, Bracers of the Frozen Summit, and Gauntlets of Blurring Fingers.
Spear of Xuen, too. Should I get Daelo's Final Words + Razor-Sharp Chitin Choker or is that too much resilience loss?
Though mastery increases the sheer burst of an attack, crit only increases the CHANCE of more burst of an attack.
If a CS hits for 50.000 damage with 75% mastery and 20% crit, one would hit for 50.000+10.000 (on average). 60.000 x 1.75 = 105000 Damage.
Seeing as how mastery requires over half the rating for a % as crit,
If a CS hits for 50.000 damage with 35% mastery and 40% crit, one would hit for 50.000+20.000 (on average). 70.000 x 1.35 = 94500 Damage.
In overall dps, mastery outweighs crit.

Now for a burst situation. If I were to hit a 100k TV with 80% mastery and 25% crit (10% from INQ). It would hit for 180k normal, or in case of a crit. 200k x 1.80 = 360000
With 40% mastery and 40% crit (10% from INQ). A normal hit would do 140k normal, or in case of a crit. 200k x 1.40 = 280000

Conclusion, if you want a higher chance at a good burst, stack crit. If you want a consistent high burst, stack mastery.

Including haste would make this a very difficult decision though, personally I stack STR > Mastery > Haste > Crit, and this works out great for me :)
Thanks for all the info Aylax! I just started twinking my paladin and I'm wondering about gems for pvp. Do I gem mastery in my belt or pvp power? You gemmed mastery, but I guess that's for PvE...
Also, do you get multiple windsong procs?
And lastly how strong do you feel retri paladins are in this bracket? Mages seem to blow me up but i lack pvp gear...
Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King appeared on our ah last week and I got into a bidding war with a rich gem seller over it xD I ended up letting him have it for 466k.... If it hadn't been for this one guy I would have got it for 175k.

Reaktor @ Mazrigos - Community - World of Warcraft
Personally I would choose pvp power over mastery. I think around 25% pvp power is a good number without gimping yourself too much on other stats (assuming you're a BS).
And yes, windsong does proc multiples a lot, I'm not sure about the actual uptime since the rppm system was implemented.
Retri's in pvp are good, provided you have support, mages will be an issue though. But with a good healer on your side, and the proper use of (defensive) cd's, average mages shouldn't be a problem. You can expect to end up at about 50-50% pvp resil in a pvp set, which will also help.
Though mastery increases the sheer burst of an attack, crit only increases the CHANCE of more burst of an attack.
If a CS hits for 50.000 damage with 75% mastery and 20% crit, one would hit for 50.000+10.000 (on average). 60.000 x 1.75 = 105000 Damage.
Seeing as how mastery requires over half the rating for a % as crit,
If a CS hits for 50.000 damage with 35% mastery and 40% crit, one would hit for 50.000+20.000 (on average). 70.000 x 1.35 = 94500 Damage.
In overall dps, mastery outweighs crit.

Now for a burst situation. If I were to hit a 100k TV with 80% mastery and 25% crit (10% from INQ). It would hit for 180k normal, or in case of a crit. 200k x 1.80 = 360000
With 40% mastery and 40% crit (10% from INQ). A normal hit would do 140k normal, or in case of a crit. 200k x 1.40 = 280000

Conclusion, if you want a higher chance at a good burst, stack crit. If you want a consistent high burst, stack mastery.

Including haste would make this a very difficult decision though, personally I stack STR > Mastery > Haste > Crit, and this works out great for me :)

Wait, so you swapped 40% mastery for 20% crit and the damage went down? Holy fuck, there's a surprise. Try swapping them for equal values. And sure it's a chance, but that's almost the entire point.

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