[85] <OS Gaming> Kel'Thuzad - Alliance, US MSV PROGRESSION TEAM


<OS Gaming> is recruiting for an MSV 10M group! Currently our primary focus is MSV and we plan on going as far as we can into MoP progression.

What We're Looking For in Recruits?

1. MoP geared.

2. Have skype/ventrilo and a working mic.

3. Have the following addons: Deadly Boss Mods.

Classes Being Accepted currently:

Priest, preferably discipline.

Classes Being Accepted currently for back up:

1.Blood Death Knight / Protection Warrior

2.Protection Paladin

3.Holy Paladin / Resto Shaman

4.Discipline Priest

5.Mistweaver Monk / Restoration Druid

6. Frost Death Knight / Rogue

7. Frost Death Knight / Rogue

Fire Mage / Warlock / Hunter / Spriest

9. Fire Mage / Warlock / Hunter / Spriest

10. Random Viable DPS

Random Viable DPS/HEALER (To fill in when we can 1 tank fights)

For the team as of May 19th, 2013

How to apply?

Please send an application to myself, the application template is:

Character Name/Server:

Armory Link:

Times/Days available for raiding:

Spec you're applying to play for the guild:

Picture of UI:

Experience in raiding (Include anything interesting and MSV information):


We do not expect people to transfer immediately, we are willing to raid with people through real ID at first.

We will require our raiders to look up guides on bosses before raid.

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