85 mage/rogue pvp bis?


So. I have been mainly doing PvE twinking with some success or at least fun of my own and I feel like time has come to try out some PvP, and yes I know 85 is probably not the ideal level to stay at for PvP, but I also want to maintain at a good PvE level.

So the question is, what would be the BiS set for a mage/rogue.

Why do I ask? Well frankly I am not quite sure what to stack, especially not after the BG scaling came to picture, as in would the PVE items be the best, maybe PvP?

How about legendary or just ribspreaders?

Any input on subject would be appreciated.

Rogue will pvp as sub/assassination and mage as fire (no frost)
proly pve dps gear on both clases, deals so silly dmg that you dont really have to worry about survival.. or having a challange.. (not trying to make offence here)
anywho if you feel like you are getting smacked around a bit to often then you are just gonna have go get some more stam, the only stat that is viable defensively. stam on cloak stam gems stam trink's this and that to swap around untill you find something satisfying ^^
reforging/stat stacking is something i recommend fooling around with allso untill you find something fitting to your personal playstyle.. there will allways be something thats BiS but it is not allways shure that specific "style" is how you wanna play.. example: rets stacking haste vs stacking mastery..
Hi, I recently started playing again and was messing around with my rogue on an 85 dummy.

Here is my armory -> http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/zuljin/Fonmak/advanced

I saw Eviscerates up to 259k and Envenoms up to 222k. Self buffed, but I have burst macros that use trinkets/pots so it will be a little higher than your standard burst damage.
Thank you for your answers, so far it seems that I'll indeed run with PvE gear for both as the bracket seems to be mostly about doing as much damage as possible, meh.

It's always fun to run into some sun-lute paladins/dks though ^^'

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