85 BM Hunter stream :)

Approved the thread and added the stream directly to the post. Sorry it took 3 days for a Mod to respond! >.<

Good luck with streaming!
I don't get it, he's obviously bad yet you feel a need to brag when you beat him?

We didn't beat him, we farmed him. And i'm not even good at hunter. The fact that he sits in his stream, has 1.2k viewers. His hole chat spams "view botter" and "wintrader" and he's telling everyone in the chat how bad they are. And i'm gonna make an EXACT quote "i doesnt matter how you get your rating, if you wintrade or get it by queing or by que dodging, you're still as good as everyone else at that rating and i bet you guys couldnt even get 2k by wintrading". When we got into the arena, my partner got a whisper from him. You can see it on the vod except for his cam coverin it. He said "can you leave the arena and que a couple more times? i want 2.2k". And he's clicking.

And the sad part is that he was almost Rank 1 in the bracket, by clicking.
We didn't beat him, we farmed him. And i'm not even good at hunter. The fact that he sits in his stream, has 1.2k viewers. His hole chat spams "view botter" and "wintrader" and he's telling everyone in the chat how bad they are. And i'm gonna make an EXACT quote "i doesnt matter how you get your rating, if you wintrade or get it by queing or by que dodging, you're still as good as everyone else at that rating and i bet you guys couldnt even get 2k by wintrading". When we got into the arena, my partner got a whisper from him. You can see it on the vod except for his cam coverin it. He said "can you leave the arena and que a couple more times? i want 2.2k". And he's clicking.

And the sad part is that he was almost Rank 1 in the bracket, by clicking.

Very interesting, however I'm yet to see how that is your problem?
If he wants to be a jerk let him be a jerk, it's not like he's actually hurting anyone, if people don't want to they can just stop watch his stream..

I totally understand your point of view, I just think that the fact that you needed to make a video of you beating a bad nobody is pretty damn sad..
Very interesting, however I'm yet to see how that is your problem?
If he wants to be a jerk let him be a jerk, it's not like he's actually hurting anyone, if people don't want to they can just stop watch his stream..

I totally understand your point of view, I just think that the fact that you needed to make a video of you beating a bad nobody is pretty damn sad..

I didn't have to make a video, i felt like it.
It took me 5 minutes to make the video. And saying he's a nobody, well yeah i think he is but i've been playing 85 bracket for less then a week. When i faced him with different arena partners they ALL (4 people) said something in the style of, oh shit it's critshield he's rank 1 in the bracket.. Which is pretty sad that a bracket can be so bad it gets to the point where you can get 2.2k as a clicker with a shit comp.
Very interesting, however I'm yet to see how that is your problem?
If he wants to be a jerk let him be a jerk, it's not like he's actually hurting anyone, if people don't want to they can just stop watch his stream..

I totally understand your point of view, I just think that the fact that you needed to make a video of you beating a bad nobody is pretty damn sad..

And what comes from wintrade, rogue/hunter is 95% like it.
Haha, no. Resto + dk is 95% like it, rogue hunter can be easily countered by many comps. It's an op comp but it can easily be countered still.

Name 3 comps that counter rogue/hunter please. I like how you think it's ''easy countered'' when it is the most retarded comp in the bracket, imo.
Name 3 comps that counter rogue/hunter please. I like how you think it's ''easy countered'' when it is the most retarded comp in the bracket, imo.

Blood DK+ Resto Druid
Ret + hunter/rogue
Ret + resto
And as i said, healers and blood DKs are ONLY good at 89.

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