85 anyone


Im just wondering who plays 85 round on these forums?

Many ex 19's EU have gathered in a guild on Kor'Gal Eu and having good times xD

85>19 by far, share your stories!!
i play 85 priest, shadow/disc pvp sure it's funnier but imo priest is a class relying a lot on their partners and since i migrated to a normal server i cant find any partner dedicated enough, oh and i twink for the community and since i've always been twinking i probs wont stop
I dont pvp at max levels. I did during classic with my warlock, and first season of pvp on my paladin in bc but after that I havent really pvp'ed unless I was being carried or a group of friends wanted to do an organized bg.

I PvE on a ret pally though & sometimes unholy dk
Bragh said:
Im just wondering who plays 85 round on these forums?

Many ex 19's EU have gathered in a guild on Kor'Gal Eu and having good times xD

85>19 by far, share your stories!!

I will dude so yea i will do arena's but mostly raiding on my main toon but i also have a rogue
85s suck

raids are lame. pvp is stupid...if you solo que you just face premades, and rbgs are a waste of time unless theyre a legit group

n arena is the same as always, bring "X" class or youre effed cuz its "balanced"
Falkor said:
85s suck

raids are lame. pvp is stupid...if you solo que you just face premades, and rbgs are a waste of time unless theyre a legit group

n arena is the same as always, bring "X" class or youre effed cuz its "balanced"

well bro sorry your bad
PushBack said:
well bro sorry your bad

no, your bad

85 is stupid. which is why for the first time blizz is losing subs........................why dont you just go cry to mom about an ear ache again, baby
Falkor said:
85s suck

raids are lame. pvp is stupid...if you solo que you just face premades, and rbgs are a waste of time unless theyre a legit group

n arena is the same as always, bring "X" class or youre effed cuz its "balanced"

Obviously it comes down to opinion, but i think 85 is quite balanced at the moment apart from the lock/shaman synergy they have at the moment, when that gets nerfed all will be good.
you cant perfectly balance the game n i dont expect it. are twink brackets ever really balanced? nope...so obviously if i cared for balance i wouldnt pvp at all at any level

but 85 is just too much of a lame grind. if you start pvping now in bloodthirsty gear youre at a pretty big advantage vs someone whos been doing it since day 1 of cata and now has s10 gear. you'll have to farm ton of honor n jp n shit go get s9 or 10 then finally join an arena team or rbg team and grind that out, unless you get lucky and get carried for a while. and it only gets worse as the xpac goes on until the next one and that gear reset

and i didnt find bot or bwd fun. just didnt make me excited to go raid like all the previous raids, which must have been a sentiment shared by others since people canceled subs in droves. havent tried fl yet other than the trash farms but idk, nothing has made me want to go do it..just not that appealing
I got an idea! Let everyone have their opinion and live side by side together to try and live in peace with eachother! Let someone think that 85 is good, then someone else 19 is good instead of trying to say that one bracket suck, and another bracket is better. Even if you both want to defend ur brackets (dunno if you do), please try to keep a friendly tone! And do so in PM's not in public rage debates that wont lead to anything constructive.
Falkor said:
no, your bad

85 is stupid. which is why for the first time blizz is losing subs........................why dont you just go cry to mom about an ear ache again, baby

your bad you trololololol
no your the bad h3h3h3
Being 85 is not all that bad. I just finished clearing Firelands normal and starting heroic modes in a casual raid guild. I never raided in Cata till 4.2 hit, gearing is still piss easy for PvE. Can`t comment on 85 PvP as I haven`t really bothered much with it in Cata.

I like Firelands tbh, fun raid. I`m next in queue for the Legendary too, so I guess I`ll have to carry on doing it for a while :p
PushBack said:
Dude your on this website all day how can you even have time to play wow 0.0 OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

multitasking duhn duhn duhnnnnnnnnnnnn

your silly tho. you and youre crappy ears
Vincent said:
you and youre heeeeerp

no but srsly falky boy, you're super bad

says random guy
Vincent said:
ahaha falky boy who do you think you are? some baddie who thinks 85 is unbalanced just cause most people can kill him

no i think its unbalanced b/c there has never been real balance in this game and i dont expect it. every tweak to "balance" the game throws something else out of whack......if you honestly think its balanced now or ever has been you are crazy sir

in fact, balance was such a problem that blizzard finally just threw their arms up in resignation and decided to not even ATTEMPT to balance the game around 2s, much less 1v1. and no matter how much they want to eliminate "hard counters" *cough nerfing ferals cuz mage qq cough* they will still exist to some extent

and i also just dont enjoy the raid scene as much as i have from vanilla through lk. but both of those are just my opinion. much like your opinion that 85 is balanced and fun. just do what you like

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