83 warrior

at 81 you have vp and some other instances/quest/boe stuff opened up iirc so you can squeeze out a few more stats and not get slammed too hard by stat reduction. you also get an extra talent and a cata ability.

i dont remember the guys name but there was an 81 or 83 dk on the official forums 80 twink thread whos toon was almost, if not, better than an 80. wish i could remember

most class/specs are better at 80 due to stat scaling, especially healers w/ resil. but certain class/specs are just as viable, if not a little better, than at 80 due to strong cata abilities, maybe a talent that really helps that was out of reach, increase base stats/dmg, and other tools - like a warrior.

anther thing that helps above 80 is having talents that directly modify crit or haste and sort of negate the stat decay from leveling. like warriors get imp op, imp hs, and cruelty to help offset crit loss. ele shaman have crit talents and they get like 90% haste if FS is dispelled. mage would be an example of a class better left 80 imo (unless they get some good gear at 81 or something) just b/c you can abuse the stat scaling and get crazy levels of crit and haste
81 DKs do some pretty stupid amounts of damage, but having Auto-Crit helps that immensely as well as Mastery stacking (another example of having 100% crit procs overriding stat decay).
tnx for answers guyz, plz PM me is anyone finds an 81 DK armory or anything on that topic, coz am rly interested, but testing this with the amount of time i have will take forever.
ill keep an eye out.

but if youre ever bored just mess around with a wowhead profiler and the gear filters. find all the gear you'd gain by going 81 and compare your stats to a char with BiS 80 gear. then do the same for 83 (can use my profiler all except ranged slot should be same for a dk/pally) vs 80 or 81 n see which has the stats you prefer or talents/abilities/etc
Flamablesbad @ Whisperwind - Game - World of Warcraft

^ thats my 81 warrior, as fury (yes, I know mobility sucks) I can get 70-89k raging blows when you add up the main hand and off hand damage with closs smash on them, which= insta kill with 300ish% mastery when my trinket procs. Trinkets not needed though haha.

(and yes....I have tried to get the strength gun from vortex and another ring like 903479837384 times haha)

I have wanted to see him at 83 also, but I dont think its that needed though because the gems you can get from what I have seen wouldnt beat the mastery you can get at 81 with my gear
Powerwordhug said:
Flamablesbad @ Whisperwind - Game - World of Warcraft

^ thats my 81 warrior, as fury (yes, I know mobility sucks) I can get 70-89k raging blows when you add up the main hand and off hand damage with closs smash on them, which= insta kill with 300ish% mastery when my trinket procs. Trinkets not needed though haha.

(and yes....I have tried to get the strength gun from vortex and another ring like 903479837384 times haha)

I have wanted to see him at 83 also, but I dont think its that needed though because the gems you can get from what I have seen wouldnt beat the mastery you can get at 81 with my gear

that is a pretty nice profile, and if youre doing that much damage it makes me wanna go try fury....i tried it a few months back but just felt a lot more clunky, rage starved, also felt like i had less mobility and not having throwdown was a bummer. but if you can one shot people, i might try it

83 definitely has less 2ndary stats. but what you lose there you gain with base stats, and nice perks like a meta gem...still a toss up for me i guess, hell stayin 80 is still on the table too

just a few suggestions on your armory tho, from my point of view:

reforge the hit -> crit on your shoulders, & enchant them with ap+crit from sons of hodir

reforge exp -> mastery on bracers

reforge haste -> crit on gloves

reforge exp -> crit on belt, use JC-only gem of your choice, and drop cardboard assassin for a better belt tinker

enchant lava walker on your boots rather than 50 mastery.

JC as a prof doesnt seem that great compared to alch, might wanna consider switching. the JC trinket is very nice, but considering you only have 1 gem slot you kinda lose out on getting the most from the prof as a whole. whereas with alch you can get the str trinket and make your own mastery/resist elixirs (my preferred combo) and have the 80 str flask if youre lazy/cheap or in arena.

or you could go LW and get the better bracer/leg enchants, and use the elementium dragonling in place of the boar

or get inscription for the shoulder enchant, and again, use the dragonling instead of the boar. same for tailoring with the cloak enchant

i also have a feral at 80 which i really like, and am probably going to keep at 80 for a long time. but i havent seen what gears available at 81+ n see if it makes a big difference or not. cuz i mean at 80, with all out mastery stacking, i can go over 100% mastery...not even counting the crab trinket proc. i got around 70% crit just chillin in cat with mark, can almost get 100 when the crit trinket (from brc? that or throne) procs
Yea haha, the reason I didnt go all out on that one (if you look at the hon kills youll see why haha) is because it was just a small test I wanted to see if ti was viable at 81, my feral is better geared though.

- My belt tinker is because I was messing around, the stam enchants is because I am lazy haha and did recruit a friend/wanted a *very* small amount of stam when my spell reflect was down against mages

- I also tend to swap between the dragon and crab trinket, it usually depends on who I am dueling really and/or if I am bored and want to test against healers

- And I was too lazy on that toon to level jc to 500 to get the jc gems haha, I rarely play it and when I do its only for duels because its kinda like my arcane at 80 4 shotting visc geared 85s. With the trinket is pretty much always up it gives me more burst, so thats why I chose the jc trinket and not alch...even though I have been thinking of switching back and you do bring up a really good point

-I wanted a little more expertise because wow hates me and 85s are still parrying my raging blow... which frustrates me haha

- I like having a little more hit cause my auto attacks hit for like 9kish if I remember correctly

- http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/whisperwind/Yeahhbrahh/simple < thats my feral, a lot more effort into that haha I also have the 101 stam gems for when I want to tank/trinkets
Which also reminds me, at 81 you can go to deepholm and get a few ilvl 318 items, as you can see the pants and ring on my druid, which are a lot A LOT better then the 308/316s (you just have to have a summon there and get prepared to do about 120ish quests) I actually found that out last night after being really bored haha. I stopped going into mastery actually because people are dead even before I can get a 5 point tigers fury rip on them...which is hilarious...I have also been thinking of going with landslide on the druid, but I can get up to 19k attack power the proc trinket and on use trinket..which is even better haha, my best ferocious bite was 64k so far. I havent tested it with a agi pot because thats just not fair to the other person haha
on the warrior...if its just for dueling than yeah its fine. id still do the reforging b/c you'd only be losing like 36-37 hit from the shoulders, so you should still be around 7% hit or somethin. and as for the expertise....i just do not like the stat for pvp, mainly b/c the fact that you can negate your enemies chance to dodge simply by attacking their rear, and its a stat thats hard to cap. especially the parry cap...dodge can be done against like healers n such, but not any class that uses agi as a primary stat so i just dont like it, would rather have the exp in a more offensively powerful stat like mastery

my druid is pretty close to urs depending on my set up.

in my more pve oriented set for when i have heals or just want to be glass cannon-ish ive got 12k less hp than you and 2% less haste, but i have more crit, more mastery, im hit capped, and 8 expertise left over after reforging. and im still not even done yet, i still need profs and 1 or 2 more pieces of gear that ive been too lazy to grind out. so while im sure youre happy with your druid, and its certainly viable, im not sure 81+ is the way to go for druids

as far as landslide for a kitty.....not a horrible choice, but i prefer the static 130 agi enchant. with mark, might, heart of the wild, and aggression factored in 130 agi should turn into somewhere around 412 ap, if i calculated it correct. so a static 412 ap, plus the crit and dodge from 130 (136ish w/ mark) agi put it above a proc of 1k ap imo
Hmm you have a very good point with that haha, half the time I am getting kited by ranged so thats why I wanted to have the expertise as fury but I didnt think I would be losing so little while gaining the others.

And I used to be 80 on the druid, but went 81 because of the raw damage that I can do with the same(ish) stats and because I ran stupid brc so many times to get that agi trinket and it never dropped haha. What REALLY bothers me is having like 16% hit though haha. Whats your attack power like unbuffed as cat? And whats it with procs up and such/whats your highest ferocious bite hitting for?
yea seeing all that excess hit hurts, but nothin you can do about it if its all on gear and you reforge from it =/

unbuffed in cat i have just shy of 8k ap. like i said still not bis geared or enchanted yt n i dont recall what the highest its been so far with buffs/procs or what my highest fb has been either, but it certainly hurts

but on the cat again, heres what i'd do for a spec to utilize the extra talent at 81 - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft. since at 81 you can get master shapeshifter which really helps offset the crit lost from dinging 81, and gives added benefits for when you go into bear.

i dont put much stock in furor since they changed powershifting from bc...so 2pts is enough.

if you like KotJ you can take points from endless carnage...but i really like EC since it gives 2 extra ticks on rake and makes SR that much easier to keep up (which many people neglect in pvp tho its a huge dmg increase, and is nice for situations where you kill an enemy with combo points still left on it so you can get a benefit from SR and you can proc predatory strikes.

blood in the water looks nice on paper, but when you look deeper its pretty much purely pvp. 99.999% of the time an enemy will be sure as dead if they're at 25% with rip already on them and a FB coming in. so dont worry about losing that. and thick hides is a waste for pvp since peoples crit chances are too high for 2% to mean anything & the 4% armor in cat means crap, the 26% in bear is nice but pve oriented...if you want to tank in the mean time i suggest a full fledged tank spec to not sacrifice pvp performance

oh and the other thing is in both my gear sets i have 95 spell pen. which you might wanna think about getting since it helps with those cyclones n roots n such, if you do arena at all. even in BGs its nice tho - nobody wants to waste a predatory strikes proc on a resisted cyclone. and its ez to get 70 from the cape enchant alone, and you could sacrifice a cata gem slot for a 50 spell pen gem, tho i chose to take a 25 spell pen gem in my wrathful gloves for the socket bonus and forgo the 50 spell pen in my cata slots and use those for mastery stacking/agi
Xsifilad said:
Yesterday i had a crazy mad conversation with a guy who was twinking 80 warrior. Basically i said that 81 DK was viable, and then couldn't back it up coz i red it from you her on the forums, so this guy told me all kind of crazy mambo-jumbo stuff about mastery and that you cant twink above 80 and bla bla bla.

So can anyone like rly explain to me how you squish out more firepower out of 80+ if scaling eats away all the stats?

Im here dude, to prove my point

Compare these 2 stat wise.

Flamablesbad @ Whisperwind - Game - World of Warcraft

Krigerén @ Stormscale - Game - World of Warcraft
And I tried going into master shape shifter a while ago but I have like 65ish% crit in cat form anyway, so I dont really need the extra 4% because everything lasts like 4 seconds haha and I swap my resto spec into boom or tank whenever I am bored enough, the main reason why I had thick hide was for when I was still 80 with the resil because there wasnt really anything else to put it into at the time though. I have another belt with a jc spell pen gem on it for when I arena, but my mage is the only one I actually arena at 80 with for obvious reasons haha.

Also I have been using blood in the water because I duel 85s now, against 80s they are dead before I can even get a full 5 point tigers fury rip on them unless they are a healer or something, butttttt I have been thinking about switching into endless carnage like you said, I really dont know why I havent yet haha XD you do make a great point there and I havent ever thought of only going 2 points in furor hmm....that actually never even crossed my mind O....o thank you haha

I will actually test it with that build today, it does look promising because I am at 57% crit actually without master shapeshifter
Gissel said:

Yes i agree the stats are lower(and not that much lower), but he also got a colossus smash, bigger HP pull, and trinkets are far more superior(i am JC as well, so that is tempting for me).

As far as DK goes its slightly different, warrior can just push a button and BAM max possible DMG ride away, there's no ramp up time (like DK who needs to apply dots before he can achieve max dmg potential) and at 81 you get that golden ability outbreak, so that is another tempting thing to consider.

The reason i am not sold is because i like my PvP gear i use 4 pieces 1 gem and 2 chants(head, shoulder), i don't know how much resilience gets eaten away but i know for sure that i wil not get my near 25% reduction i get now, so i cant kill ppl in 1 blow and i don't have disperse, bubble, ice-block and what ever else is there.

Also id like to know how arena works with levels above 80? Do arena brackets work like BG brackets, can you be in teams with 80s?
I had an idea of how can one test 80+ concepts. Just copy your twink to PTR level it up get some gear. Even if there is no BGs you will at-least get a feel for it. Thats what am going to do with ma DK once i get into PTR queue.
havent been on a ptr in a while, but worth a shot

also to do arena from 81-84 you have to join a team at 80 before you level and stay on that same team. if you leave the team once you ding 81 you wont be able to rejoin a team until youre 85

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