[82] Hunter | Need Advice


So this is my first ever twink, and I decided to go with a level 82 human hunter.

Vorãgo @ Stormrage - Community - World of Warcraft

I know my chest and shoulders aren't the best, I've just been waiting for some i409+ one's to come up in my AH, then I'll buy them.
Also, I know my trinkets/rings, etc. suck, but I couldn't find any decent ones, so if you could give me some names of some good ones for me, that would be great. Also if there is any enchants I should improve, please let me know. :)

As for professions, I dont really know too much about them. This is one of my only WoW characters, so I don't have a whole lot of experience, but I am learning. :)

Any help is awesome!

- Vorago
I don't know too much about hunter twinking but gear wise any mop ring/trinks would be bis for that. at 82 Id suggest trying some cata quets for quick replacements. As for professions ive seen alot of hunters pick up engineering. Second proffesion is just for stats. id go with bs for gems or leatherworker for enchant. Wish I had more advice to give >.> but hope this helped a little

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