80s V Firelands


Since level 80s can now level 85 raids im just cerious if there would be anyone who would be planning 25 80s V FL 25 HC to see how that turns out shouldnt be to hard with mop items ;o
A few things to consider :p
- Tanking: Need to be avoidance capped or near to it (124%) which requires a very specific set of gear. I've not tested tanking a boss with healers but when soloing in non-capped gear I got ripped apart in a matter of seconds.
- Healing: A lot of incoming damage will hit higher than our health pools (even if you use stam flasks/buffs) so having disc priests will be a must. Honestly though, those spells will probably still 1shot you anyway.
- DPS: Hit/Exp rating is a problem. From what I've experienced (although I'm not 100% certain), the bosses count as level 88s rather than 83s. Not so bad for melee, but ranged need to get 70% hit or something stupid to get capped (which means a big loss in other dps stats).

And finally, I'm still not sure whether this is an intended change (as it sometimes doesn't let you in) so don't count on it being around forever until we get confirmation.
JUST A QUICK BENCHMARK, 68.24% hit on a level 80 boomkin = 30.8k dps without CD's

SO, IF. Ranged caster DPS could get to 70% you can estimate that each could do approximately 25k DPS minimum.

Taking into account the fact that level 88 bosses would have higher resistances than a level 85 dummy.

You can enter by having an 85 enter first, If you wish to do it without the aid of anyone higher than 80 then just ask them to camp once they get in or to let you enter, and then they can go wait outside and BG or something. It took me a while to figure that out haha. Sti (co-gm of Twink Nation) and myself plan on starting a 10m (possibly a 25m depending on how many people we get) for FL (US). Must be BiS if you want to go and do at least 25k dps on the firelands bosses. If anyone is interested/has any questions add my battletag. Rwilson0529#1564

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