80 Twink Guild/Group forming on Darkspear-US


A couple of friends who have played together for a while as 70 twinks on Dalvengyr have either rerolled or transfered to Darkspear to play at 80. We are looking for some people who would be interested in coming over to fill a steady 10 man group for raids and battlegrounds. If you are interested head over to Darkspear and whisper Gwastank if you want to chat about it.

Thank you. :D

Gwastank @ Darkspear - Game - World of Warcraft
Or you could you know...use google and join an already successful 80 twink guild that is actually legit

Anomalous : Home : World of Warcraft (WOW) Guild Site at GuildPortal

It frustrates me how people want to create they're own guild and then later it never works out because they were to stubborn to re-roll or pay for an xfer. If you cant do either I'm worried that you should even be playing wow with that attention span or financial issues.

If your not into using ilevel for current tier of raiding then anomalous isnt for you and its not the first time we've had this issue. We just lost quite a few people because either

A) They didnt like using 200 gear in naxx 10m like it was designed.

B) They didnt wotlk raiding at all

Join anomalous or you'll honestly end up like all the other guilds woh formed outside. You'll eliminate competition between the two for new members and we'll widen our range hopefully bringing in new players.
I don't want anything to do with your guild if you are stubborn enough and ignorant enough to think we will fail when you do not know any of us and what we are capable of.

And I don't blame them for leaving your guild. Start in naxx gear? No wonder they quit, who would want to do that place again. Warth Naxx was a terrible instance. Obviously you're the one who isn't actually "legit".
Gwastank said:
I don't want anything to do with your guild if you are stubborn enough and ignorant enough to think we will fail when you do not know any of us and what we are capable of.

And I don't blame them for leaving your guild. Start in naxx gear? No wonder they quit, who would want to do that place again. Warth Naxx was a terrible instance. Obviously you're the one who isn't actually "legit".

He does have a point tho people at 70/80 make guilds all day long and they fold in under 2 months the majority of the time and the people in thoes guilds always talk about how it wont happen to them
In all honesty most 70 twink guilds get scraped because people just want fast and easy gear... they don't want to take the time to actually run the content. But, in reality any semi-competent group of 85's can run a 70 through Sunwell and deck em out. So when you see a 70 twink guild the majority of them is then running for kicks and giggles rather than gear and tend to fall apart under the reasons of either someone is taking gear for offsets over someone’s main set or the guild requires GDKP to receive loot (or even paying per 85 who joins the raid). But at 80 it’s a different story; 85s can and will wipe on Heroic ICC25 content, doesn't matter if they are full 377ilevel or anything close. If they don't follow the mechanics they will wipe. At 70 the closest you get to a wipe is when your DPS is so fail it can't down Felymst before air phase.

In response to Vinlann, no one really wants to start at 200ilevel Naxx, the only good Naxx was back in Classic WoW when it required 40 people to run it. Don't get me wrong when WotLK first came out I was all over it, but they latterly reused the raid... so forget Blizzard. But, in a sense 80 is much like 70 in the idea that people want to get as close to BiS gear as possible (IE Justice Points T10 *80* and Welfare Brutal Gladiator PvP set *70*)
Vinlann said:
Or you could you know...use google and join an already successful 80 twink guild that is actually legit

Anomalous : Home : World of Warcraft (WOW) Guild Site at GuildPortal

It frustrates me how people want to create they're own guild and then later it never works out because they were to stubborn to re-roll or pay for an xfer. If you cant do either I'm worried that you should even be playing wow with that attention span or financial issues.

If your not into using ilevel for current tier of raiding then anomalous isnt for you and its not the first time we've had this issue. We just lost quite a few people because either

A) They didnt like using 200 gear in naxx 10m like it was designed.

B) They didnt wotlk raiding at all

Join anomalous or you'll honestly end up like all the other guilds woh formed outside. You'll eliminate competition between the two for new members and we'll widen our range hopefully bringing in new players.

you try to recruit off every other 80 guild forming, there can be more than one and you shouldn't doubt the ability of others to start guilds
So I was just looking at this guild 'Anomalous' and out of its 22 members, 11 are 80 (Epic guild there Vinlann) Of those 11, 1 has real gems and enchants, 3 have green/blue gems, and the rest are fails! New 80twink guild on Darkspear--- WooWoo.
Lethalex said:
So I was just looking at this guild 'Anomalous' and out of its 22 members, 11 are 80 (Epic guild there Vinlann) Of those 11, 1 has real gems and enchants, 3 have green/blue gems, and the rest are fails! New 80twink guild on Darkspear--- WooWoo.

Thats cool, you didnt even go to the website did you? Why dont you use your common sense and read something yeah? We only use legit gear with our current progression. All that gear, those chants those gems are probably 200 and they use them for pvp or dungeon/outside things to do. We never use above current gear for raiding. If you dont believe me thats your loss.

Gwastank...naxx wasnt hard nor was it easy. Neither was icc in 30% buff, neither was uld, neither was toc. "easy" is an opinion. Its a pure opinion. Whats easy to you may be difficult to another and vice versa.

The reason people quit our guild is because they plain & simple said it wasnt their style. Whether that means they didnt want to raid naxx or just didnt want to raid wotlk content at all we dont know, they didnt make it 100% clear so we have to just guess. I doubt you even raided 40m naxx. I've been playing since 06...some content annoys me it came back and some doesnt. Naxx was a combination of both. But this guild was created with the idea of starting from the beginning of wotlk and raiding it all over again for those who missed it and those who just liked the experience. If you dont like it fine, but if you want people to join your guild at least you need to make things clear of what your goals are other than just raiding 10m.

You act like I'm stupid, someone who is "lesser" than an average twink player. I've been a part of twinking since vanilla from 19 twinks to even up to this 80 twinks. I've done it all. Guilds that dont have a strong foundation & a regular amount of members will usually go under & disband within a short time. We've been alive for 2 months and we raid regularly with no intention of stopping. Your calling us stubborn? Me ignorant? Maybe ignorant a little bit I apologize for that but when you have a very low number of members in your guild or even enough to raid you'll know why...your foundation. You have none, you didnt post any info about your guild other than you want to raid 10m and with a few friends. Cool...if I was to join a guild with a good progression & foundation setup, that isnt going to go under ...I'm going to join the guild that isnt going to disband. I dont want to waste my time. You have to put yourself in the position of someone who wants to join this guild and then think about it. If you think about a guild as a business your business would make you go bankrupt in a matter of a week with this foundation. Luckily its not...

@dartofblue - I'm not stealing members from any guild, I'm recruiting. I mean its just as bad as putting the thor advertisements on dr. pepper bottles. Businesses do this all the time and theres nothing against TI forum rules to do it here. We arent wrong to do it, we're in fact helping the 80 community by making a centralized location where they can do all they're pve & pvp here. If they are just purely looking to do it with friends they wouldnt come looking for another 80 guild anyways....no harm done...get over it

In response to Vinlann, no one really wants to start at 200ilevel Naxx, the only good Naxx was back in Classic WoW when it required 40 people to run it. Don't get me wrong when WotLK first came out I was all over it, but they latterly reused the raid... so forget Blizzard. But, in a sense 80 is much like 70 in the idea that people want to get as close to BiS gear as possible (IE Justice Points T10 *80* and Welfare Brutal Gladiator PvP set *70*)

So many opinions here. You think everybody hated naxx? Nobody raided naxx after toc because they could run dungeons all day with the new DF and get 25m ulduar gear easily without doing a single raid. People raided naxx regularly during tier 7 & 8. You may think naxx was bad but obviously the ones in this guild raiding it dont. Dont assume everybody hates it. Naxx40 was difficult even at 70 and very few people saw kt let alone sapphiron. Opening it up at 80 again for 10/25m reasons were for both lore & player reasons. After swp they didnt want another kj or kt repeat. Basically meaning only the hardest of hardcore people got to see them in current content.

Please if your going to drag on me bring your facts to the table and common sense

Do with what you will with your guild I'm just trying to help the 80 community out. Provide a good foundation for your guild and you'll do fine. Champions of Ulduar folded within 3 weeks of its creation for one simple reason. We lost members to anomalous because they just had more people and a brighter future for raiding. Even though our foundation was longer and we were there first, we still lost the battle and therefor merged with them. This brought both guilds positive outlook on the 80 twink for both pve/pvp.

Do what you will, I'm just trying to help

So I was just looking at this guild 'Anomalous' and out of its 22 members, 11 are 80 (Epic guild there Vinlann) Of those 11, 1 has real gems and enchants, 3 have green/blue gems, and the rest are fails! New 80twink guild on Darkspear--- WooWoo.

Just want to go over this really quick. We had 35 members but they were over 2 months of inactivity so we decided to remove them since we had no notice. 5 of those members quit to level to 85 saying it wasnt they're style to raid 80 content. Of those 11 have all right gear for raiding (200 currently). If you werent aware epic gems werent released til 3.1 or tier 8 content. So green/blue gems were completely legit. The only reason some have epic gems is because blue gems are very hard to get ahold of for either a reasonable price or to prospect. Let alone the recipes can be quite annoying to get ahold of. We didnt want to suffocate our members by making them use green gems but honeslty the stat difference for example between green stam gem and epic stam gem is 12. Thats not going to hurt a soul. The rest are fails? Please elaborate more. If your calling us ignorant and then turn around and drag on us for actually being legit then you guys will fold under. Do your research before you try to drown others in your stupidity
Too long didn't read. You still came in bashing us when you don't know us. All you did was make yourself look bad.
Gwastank said:
Too long didn't read. You still came in bashing us when you don't know us. All you did was make yourself look bad.

How do you know if I was bashing you if you didnt even read. Honestly your common sense is as big as a goldfish's brain.

Obviously...if you cant read that because it was to long that just showed you cant manage a guild if you cant even read an application or manage raid signups...

Regardless good luck, say what you want but I'm not dumb and I've been in the twinking universe long before you. Dont expect me to approve your application when you come applying after your disband
Stop argueing guys. :mad:

also if its the same dalv bads from Brutal gladiators then this guild should just rename set sail to fail

im interested in why people want to clear some of the easiest content blizzard has ever put out.

Besides ulduar and HLk 25 - HPP 25

Sindy was easy-ish.
Soberlolz said:
Stop argueing guys. :mad:

also if its the same dalv bads from Brutal gladiators then this guild should just rename set sail to fail

im interested in why people want to clear some of the easiest content blizzard has ever put out.

Besides ulduar and HLk 25 - HPP 25

Sindy was easy-ish.

Its not necessarily about difficulty. If it was then we wouldnt be arguing about 80 content and be arguing about 85 hc content.

Its about the experience. Some didnt get to enjoy it without over gearing it (251 gear vs naxx 10m). Some just liked it for the enviorment, maybe the way the gear looks, maybe they want to play a class/spec or role they didnt have a chance to play back in wotlk and they want to.

These are all factors people consider when twinking in pve/pvp. Usually pve but pvp can be situational.

I'm done arguing, have your way with this guild but like I said I'm not dumb and I was the GM of my own guild (you can look in this sub-forum section for champions of ulduar) and it went down. Good luck is all I have to say

/leave thread
im totally taking your name suggestion for a future guild soberballz
well anomalous on draenor us (alliance) is a fairly established guild just recently clearing naxx. so if you wanted to apply and then come over you could get up in your ilvl 200 gear and start raiding. and im sure you can also find an arena partner from the server or within the guild and start saving up for wrathful gear/farming cata instances for gear

or you can take your chances with this guild on darkspear thats only in the planning stages so far
Basically I'm gonna put it like this

If you want to raid with current gear and actually have a challenge in naxx/uld/toc/icc normals with current gear (ilevel 200 vs kt 10m, or 219 ilevel vs yogg saron etc) then join anomalous

but if you are into overpowering content with cata gear, icc 251+ gear while its not current to the raid tier then dont bother joining anomalous and look elsewhere. We've had our fair share of people who dont like to use current ilevel gear in our raids and a few have quit in the past and just recently because they decided they didnt like it. While we still have enough people to continue raiding 10m its still nice to have more people to work towards 25m


Legit challenging raiding = anomalous

overpowering non icc hc raiding = any other guild ie. not anomalous

I'm not stealing anybody I'm letting them make the choice. From what they do on I have no power over

its sort of hijacking other peoples recruitment threads, if they were interested in already made guilds, they would search for them on the forums

if they are looking to make there own, they will make there own threads

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dartofblue said:

its sort of hijacking other peoples recruitment threads, if they were interested in already made guilds, they would search for them on the forums

if they are looking to make there own, they will make there own threads

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Your point is about as valid as parking at a grocery store. When you go to walmart and you see a parking spot you consider it yours first cause you saw it first right? Then someone else parks there? Thats about as valid as it is, I didnt take anyones members. I just pointed out that if you want this style of raiding join anom, if you want another dont join anom. I'm not stealing anybody I'm helping them find what guild they want to be in. And yes assuming from the armory of this guild on this thread they wont even intentionally use 200 gear etc like we are.
Cleaned this thread up.

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