80 Twink DPS

I'd love to hear how much people can do single target DPS, just to know whatever the fuck i can expect from other class/specs and who I stand a chance on competing with and who I don't.
I know arcane mages can hit atleast 20k on marrowgar/saurfang
Once my warrior is BiS for fury and arms I'll let you know how much I can hit. (it's around 14k ATM but still missing a lot of gear - on a 60 dummy although)
So simply wanting to know this for the sake of interest isn't an acceptable reason?

The twink community has been bad for a while, but it has become putrid during Cataclysm.
@Cuddle. I think Arms would sustain around 15-16k on an 80 dummy in BiS. In ICC that should go up to 20-22k single target. Fury for me is slightly lower, but without Deep Wounds, crit isn't as valuable a stat as it is for us at 85. Haste might even be superior to crit at 80 for Fury.
I would still agree with Splosion that a spreadsheet would be the most accurate measurement of DPS. Without raid buffs, it probably wouldn't be super complicated to write.
@Cuddle. I think Arms would sustain around 15-16k on an 80 dummy in BiS. In ICC that should go up to 20-22k single target. Fury for me is slightly lower, but without Deep Wounds, crit isn't as valuable a stat as it is for us at 85. Haste might even be superior to crit at 80 for Fury.

To me fury does more DPS.
How did u figure haste being or maybe being superior to crit? Imo it isn't. You need 35% crit for 100% flurry uptime (so i read anyway) and haste to my understand is less attractive than crit.

PS. I won't stop till I hit 30k on saurfang!
Hitting 35% crit in a raid situation should be easy. The reason I say crit isn't as valuable is because you don't have Deep Wounds at 80. More haste should lead to more Enrage uptime, assuming that there isn't a cap to how often it can proc. The only value I see for it is 9% proc chance.
So simply wanting to know this for the sake of interest isn't an acceptable reason?

The twink community has been bad for a while, but it has become putrid during Cataclysm.

Read my earlier post. You could've at least come here with an attempt, something along the lines of:

"I've been doing some calculations/estimates/whatever, and I think that arcane mages are capable of doing 20k dps on a dummy in BiS gear, with Frost DKs doing less, at around 12k. I'm not completely sure of my calculations, so could you guys help me complete them"

Don't come in here and demand (as you have), at least think about how you've worded the "request". We're less likely to even help (regardless of reasons) if you come in having done no prior research. Twinking has maths behind it, and there are a small number of good twink players, and even less who would put the time into finding out such things.
"Does anyone know what the BiS of each respective DPS tree can sustain at level 80?"

So demanding right? And I didn't self buff my own OP going "WHERE IS EVERYONE?"

Question =/= demand.
I have simcraft working and I do believe it is giving me pretty solid ballpark figures for 450 second Patchwerk style fight.


Simcraft Results
TG Fury Warrior 13226
Arms Warrior 14984
Destruction Warlock 15083
Affliction Warlock 15209
Demon Warlock 15384
Assassination Rogue 16659
Sub Rogue 15146 (w/o Backstab)
Combat Rogue 16092
Enh Shaman 16315
Frost DK DW 14039
Unholy DK 15129

These are were all done in BiS/near BiS. Only one not wearing 4/5 t10 were the DKs.

The numbers should be somewhat off, but they confirm my suspicion that mages pull well over the amount of anyone else. I got 18k on my mage as fire and 24k with a mage in BiS cata set as arcane.

I'd appreciate input as to how accurate these are.
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14-16k on ret/feral w/ pvp spec and almost bis gear. raid buffed and on a boss it'd be higher due to burn phases and such
still pointless though. there is more than enough dps to kill bosses, and mechanics are easy. dps is nothing but an epeen measuring stick and with all the buffs and imbalances cata brought there are always going to be classes/specs that out dps others

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