80 Retribution Paladin Help


Okay so I was capped at 70 for the longest time. When blizz changed the xp thing recently I leveled like a retard. So here I am at 80. I know some people cap at a higher level for more mop gear, but I want to stay 80. This is my armory Rëptär @ Ghostlands - Community - World of Warcraft Could someone show me a chardev of my bis gear, gems, chants, glyphs, talents ect please?
chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA

PvP Power is broken in Chardev, but that amount will yield roughly 9% rating and is significantly better than gemming strength.

Lifeblood = 87% haste every two minutes which when stacked with Holy Avenger = the following burst.

0.0 CS -
1.5 TV - 62k damage (non crit) before resil and armor, should be around 12.5k non crit on 50% armor/60% resil
3.0 CS
4.5 TV
6.0 CS
7.5 TV
9.0 CS
10.5 TV

The key to that burst is that you're throwing out 10k+ hits every 1.5 seconds + regular melee damage. If you line everything up right you could do 60k+ non crit damage on a FoJed target that has decent defenses. The fact you run around with 68% resil will be a big help to staying alive.
Since hammer of wrath hits as hard as TV, Sanctified wrath is better than Holy Avenger.
Oh, and reforge to haste.

Why would you reforge to haste over Mastery?

And: HoW hits as hard as TV at 80? On what planet?

Hurls a magical hammer that strikes an enemy for 1412 to 1560 (+ 161% of SpellPower) Holy damage.


1560+(3822.5*1.61)=7714 damage...and that's before resil

TV against 60% armor = 12198, not including HoL
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On what planet is using tooltip values a good idea? They tend to be vastly inaccurate.

As for haste vs mastery, Master doesn't get the benefit from inquisition at this level, and haste reduces the cooldown on all your abilities, allowing you to deal extra attacks (both white and special) in the same window. since we get massive values of haste at 80, it's the best stat by a VERY long way (better than str for similar reasons)
Show me that HoW hits harder than TV.

edit: tested this on my 85 paladin with crappy gear (8500 AP) and Spear of Xuen. 1k more AP than BiS 80 and about 4k higher weapon damage.

(Excluding Hand of Light)
Crusader Strike
-> Average Hit 16.4k
-> Average Crit 35.7k

Templar's Verdict
-> Average Hit 36.2k
-> Average Crit 77.2k

Hammer of Wrath
-> Average Hit 11.1k
-> Average Crit 22.k

Templar's Verdict does 4 times the damage of Hammer of Wrath. So yes, on what planet does HoW hit harder than TV?
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Can you both stop flooding my thread with useless drib drab. Thanks for the chardev ect deff going haste

What do you get from engineering at 80 now? What is the best trinket if I don't pick alchemy?
Can you both stop flooding my thread with useless drib drab. Thanks for the chardev ect deff going haste

What do you get from engineering at 80 now? What is the best trinket if I don't pick alchemy?

Engineering is 1920 str per 10sec/minute. should be 320 average str, slightly stronger for ret because of wings.

As for replacement alchemy trinkets, The order is as follows:

DBW(H)>STS(H)>DBW=308 Trinkets>STS>272 crab>HWT.

And amaya, gz, you went and checked something I've been assuming. Where was the part where you conceded haste was better than mastery? Or did you just ignore that part.
Engineering is 1920 str per 10sec/minute. should be 320 average str, slightly stronger for ret because of wings.

As for replacement alchemy trinkets, The order is as follows:

DBW(H)>STS(H)>DBW=308 Trinkets>STS>272 crab>HWT.

And amaya, gz, you went and checked something I've been assuming. Where was the part where you conceded haste was better than mastery? Or did you just ignore that part.

GJ, you made yourself look like an ignorant ass by claiming something without having bothered to look at it.

I hadn't noticed the SoB change in 5.0 so I was basing my chardev on pre MoP values. Even though, I question the value of haste in PvP unless it allows the GCD to drop under 1.0 seconds. If it doesn't, stacking haste and using Lifeblood will waste a lot of haste.

Another thing, you're just pulling out answers out of your butt and not doing any math for anything. CS, TV, and HoL should account for the vast majority of Ret's damage output at 80. Abilities that scale with weapon damage instead of strength/AP/SP hit much harder due to 409 weapons (this really should be obvious). Assuming haste can allow your GCD to drop under 1.0, the question then becomes does it scale better than mastery? I don't know, I'll crunch it later this week.
Right. So claiming mastery was a strong stat without looking it up was any different?

GCD has a lot less to do with it. What you're saying only assumes lifeblood(i.e. herbalism) is the used profession, and that also is only valid if crusader strike and other HP generating abilities drop to a point where you'll have at least one (Ideally judgment, since it hits hard and has a range) every gcd to cast.

Yes, those skills are the majority of ret's damage output. Nothing has changed, except it's now less HoL and more of the others, since we now put even less value on mastery (it was barely higher than crit pre 5.0 thanks to not having inquisition, now it's lower than haste), stacking haste is just plain better.

Oh, and I'd really love to find out what BiS you're intending to use, and just what math you're intending to "crunch". Seems like a pointless leap in a direction if you're not understanding where you're heading.
At level 90 with 21k AP Judgment is hitting for 15k (no Inquisition)
At level 85 with 8400 AP Judgment is hitting for 8k5 (no Inquisition)

So yes, 2kish sounds right for level 80 against 70% resil.
tested this on my 85 paladin with crappy gear (8500 AP) and Spear of Xuen.
You're both wrong and right.

He's right in the absolute sense. All things balanced, HoW hits harder than TV.

And you're right in the circumstantial sense. TV hits harder than HoW IF...

'IF' being an important word: If Strikes go beyond the intended limit.

You describe your Paladin as crappy geared and with a Spear of Xuen..

1) Crap gear. - This alone will plummet it's damage.
2) Spear of Xuen is level 90 heroic gear. - This will make TV go beyond it's intended limit making it much heavier than HoW.

So you're wrong for trying to pass this.. objectivity... as truth, but you're also right by accident because the 80s have access to Bjam's Door Breaker and the same logic applies.

So to wrap it up.

on what planet does HoW hit harder than TV?

In the planet where everyone stays in the expansion they belong.

So, not in Twink planet apparently.


It's hard to come up with empirical data since I don't have a 80 Paladin nor a rough estimate of the damage breakdown.

If anyone does I'd like to know what's the average damage of:

TV - HoW - CS - Exo - Judgement

Just for fun's sake, trying to math out the best Talent.
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No, I'm not wrong in trying to pass that objectivity. I used that objectivity because it was the closest thing I could do to mimick 80 twink gear in game. Don't assume idiocy simply because I don't spell out every step.

You'll also note that TV was still hitting harder at 90 on the PTR with average ilevel of 463 using an upgraded Spear of Xuen (ilevel 471).
I didn't assume idiocy.

I do have a level 90 paladin on live in the mid 480s which is no big deal and my HoW is overpowering TV every time, some times as much as 75% over the next best TV (300k HoW)

That's why i asked for a damage breakdown of a few abilites, it's hard to compare without actual numbers.


With some hearsay numbers I give Sanc.Wrath a score of 267 over Holy Avenger's 171.12. at level 80 for PvP.

Of course I'm filling the gaps with guessing and that could mean a lot in favor of either.

Glady taking out numbers, even dummy numbers.
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How are you determining that? If HoW hits for 1/4 the damage of TV and TV is the hardest hitting ability at 80, then SancW is worthless in comparison to Holy Avenger's.
I hit the dummies for the full duration of wings and TV was hitting more than twice as hard as HoW. The highest TV was 59.7k and highest HoW was 20.5k.

Edit: Noticed that even my Crusader Strikes hit harder.
remove the wrath ring and chardev is fine imo, go for the BRC ring instead, haste>mastery I have 48% haste un buffed without windsong, if it procs 113% haste hitting 16-18k auto hits twice every second so, yee haste is superior

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