80 pve hunter




there you go its all in one macro
macro racial if you have one(berserking, blood fury etc) trinkets, rapidfire, kill command everything together

either use everything at start of fight or save it if you lust at like 80/90% etc

then..put pet on boss,misdirect the tank, serpent sting, chimera shot and aimed shot on cd and spam steady shot in between cds. use misdirect every cd so you dont have to fd every cd etc
hunters dps by priority now, not rotation

if you dont have best in slot gear, surv is probably better for you.

surv priority is kill shot > explosive shot > aimed shot > serpent sting > steady shot. whether you place serpent sting 1st or 2nd last doesnt make much of a difference on spreadsheet dps.

if youre intent on going marks and you dont have much armor pen, go serpent sting > chimera shot > aimed shot > arcane shot > steady shot and use silencing shot every time its off cd (doesnt trigger gcd so its basically a free 1000-2000 damage).

if you have a lot of armor pen (i think its 40%+ or something), use steady shots in place of arcane shots

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