80 MM Hunter PVE


As you can see from the link below my toon is not really a twink. While I do own some higher level gear most of the time I am simply running dungeons to get jp and I prefer to do it in normal gear. I realize some of my gear is not enchanted (weapon for example) and that is pretty much because my server is pretty dead so the nothing is really up on the ah that is worth it.

Part of the reason posted this was to ask a question though in regards to stat priority for 80 mm hunters. In messing around with target dummies and comporing various dungeon runs it looks to me that as far as secondary stats go that crit>mastery (I have not messed around with haste but so far have been giving that a higher priority than both crit and mastery simply because focus regen seems too good. What is the general consensus about stat weights. With my current gear I really should not have to worry about getting crit capped.

Nonamehunter @ Laughing Skull - Community - World of Warcraft

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