7th Legion Currency, How Do I Get It?


So I am going on day 3 of trying to get 1 7th Legion coin or currency. My level 120 druid can't seem to figure it out. I want to farm some for the heirloom agility trinket, but I seem to be retarded. I've done 100 or 200 quests that seem to be related, with no luck. I started a warfront campaign in Zuluzar, did a Darkshore assault 2 times and still nothing. Shortly the Arathi warfront will open up for the Alliance, but I have a feeling if I do that I'll still get fucked. What am I missing? Searches do not help, just point me in the wrong direction.
Ok, how do I do an assault world quest? I did Darkshore, which I thought was that twice, and nothing.
If I recall correctly, you gain them by doing:
  • Warfront;
  • World Quests at Warfront areas;
  • Paragon Caches from 7th Legion (aka Reputation after Exalted);
  • World Quests at Invasion Areas (w/ War Mode on).
So do I need to wait for the warfront to start? I just finished a war campaign and got war resources. That was a waste.
Is this the Stromgarde one in Arathi?
I did the Darkshore one and it looks like it doesn't give the currency. From what I read Stromgarde does and it starts up shortly.
I think you get some for completing the island expedition weekly resource thing, unless they took that out.
Quite a bit of lead up time to start getting them if your character has done nothing. It took me quite a bit of time to get enough tokens for the heirlooms alone.
Wowhead has all the information.


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