My little goblin doing some pew pews. Raid buffed she reached about 70% crit and 65,000 hp, crushing BGs for 2 days.
YouTube - Shamzalol
YouTube - Shamzalol
Mrcer said:The video quality is good. But you have lost all respect on this forums by getting cata gear and turning ur xp back on just to get some kills. If you want respect, make another video of u going into the alliance city and rape some 80s+, because no one thinks highly of a twink who turns their xp back on just to farm midfield in wsg against levelers. Go fight an actual challenge.
examinerEU said:Think he was trying to get the point across that Rolling people in cata gear doesnt show that a) You have skill b) It got boring c) People wont have respect for players who do that
but...he did say it was good quality video (Y)
Best Rogue EU said:i liked the part with "This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
mindw0rk said:I have 5 posts and check the site once a month. What "respet" are you talking about?
Also it wasnt my twink, its leveling char who had good gear. And in WSG part at least 3 alliance players were Cata geared (druid and both locks)
redpesto said:dk dk dk dkdkdkdkdkdkdk