72 Twinking Arena Question


Ret Paladin going for Avenging wrath for the HoW w/wings talent,
If he's already 72 but on a team all alone, is there no way at all to get him to do arena?
Does he have to be at level 70 with another team member at 70 and then level up?
Or is there something I'm unaware of that can get him onto a team / get others onto his team?
I asked the same problem but in the 80-84 bracket, maybe 70s know more since its a more popular bracket.
Thanks in advance
Does it not let you invite other players? You should be the team leader if you are the only one...
If you can't, then yes, you need to be on a team with other 70s before you ding.

I just thought that you cant join/make a team if you are 71-79, or 81-84, but can still queue if you are on one. I may be wrong. I went up against a 74/74 team recently, though.
Yeah, hes the only one on the team therefore he cant queue, and it says 72/71/70 are too low of a level and 73/74 are too high when he tries adding them. So I guess I needed to add another 70 on the team/have a 70 be the leader at all times. Oh well. Time to start leveling >.> If someone else has a way around this, do tell.

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