71+ again?

Saw a few 74 Paladin/DKs today.

Some kind of short term bug or is it generally enabled again?

Was having fun again in this bracket and really don't want to waste my time with some drooling 74 Prot paladin retards.
People are abusing a glitch wich allows them to que at 70+ , i have reported my findings hope everyone does the same so this can be fixed asap
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Dont think you wanna do it, most likely a bannable offense wich will result in a 3 day ban

Edit:unless you think its worth it?
Do you honestly think Blizzard care? are they fuck going to ban anyone, I also don't understand what the issue was at first with 71-74 queuing arena they had been able to queue since Cata, 71-74 only got popular and went big because of people like you crying about them.
Do you honestly think Blizzard care? are they fuck going to ban anyone, I also don't understand what the issue was at first with 71-74 queuing arena they had been able to queue since Cata, 71-74 only got popular and went big because of people like you crying about them.

if they wouldnt care then they wouldnt hotfix it in the first place and point the cry out plox
if they wouldnt care then they wouldnt hotfix it in the first place and point the cry out plox
You just have to browse the forums from the last couple of months to see saltiness of some people about 71-74

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