70s Achievement list

The rogue that has most achievement points on a 70 atm. He faction/race/realm changes a lot, hence his name tends to switch a lot too making it difficult to keep track of him.
mage with 500 resilience and no engineering!?!? is this really 70?
Yeah because everyone has to be carried by engineering don't they?
Did I say that? no. but it wins games for any class that uses engineering, it goes for me and anyone else.

You implied, that obtaining engineering carries you at level 70, so in question the tinker's you obtain such as Tazik and Synapse.
But don't you obtain Synapse and Tazik?

Just a question really, not flame/trolling, i wouldn't want you to contradict yourself.
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Aye, He's name/race-changed at least 3-4 times in the past few days. Was phazor, Male space goat, Then phazor male human, And so on.
When u have time add me to the list mate. 5205 Achiv, 100k hk. U alredy added me in Battlemaster list.

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