70lvl 1h Fury Warrior


Hi. Im tired of arms bad mobility and like to try 1h fury. Reason why i prefer 1h over 2h is better rage generation.

chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm I prefer use t6 for set bonuses.

Any thoughts?
need a gem in its neck socket

cant use pyrium weapon chains (req. 81)

what will your second profession be? looks like BS/Something


2nd proff is engy, just remembered the trinket.
If you put a 20 res gem in the neck it will give you 381 res. With only 12.2k health, unless you are running with a pocket healer you will get stomped, although doing decent damage. Trust me I rolled with 450 res on my warrior with over 14k health and you can still be killed stupidly quickly.

If you can run with one, or even better two pocket healers, then you may as well go all out PvE gear.
Scrumped said:
Read next time jeego.

yeah i proly shouldnt have posted i was out of it but whatever

also the t6 set bonus suck so i wouldnt go out of my way to get them
IMO, drop 2pc T6, get the 4pc S4, for the reduced Disarm, that way you can pick up a better Enchant on the weapon then a chain. I'm sure it will outweigh the stat difference.
chardev 8 - WoW Cataclysm

thats how I personally would go 1H fury some might wanna go all out resi but I actually want to be able to kill something so I prefer gemming that way, gives me decent survivability yet maintaining good dmg output.

/facepalm, forgot about the dual-blade rifle... but yeah thats pretty much the setup I would choose myself.

anyways the only noticeable diference is, in your build you have 50 or so more AP few more % crit..

while with my build you got 1k more HP, like 60 more resi or so.. for almost not a loss off anything.. and for some reason the dps is higher on my charter by quiet a bit as well...

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