70 Twink warlock..


Hello guys, Im new to this site, just found it about fourty-five minutes ago actually. I'll get right down to the chase: I'm looking for a decently geared, knowledgeable, and experenced arena partner. I'm not too picky about class, but i'd prefer somthing like: Resto druid, Resto sham, Disc priest, Spriest, Perhaps Elemental shaman for ele/destro.

The World of Warcraft Armory - Moosicus @ Thunderhorn - Profile --- This is a link to my armory -- I'm not quite sure what gear I logged out in, But I've got a decent amount of pvp and pve gear. Gems and professions are completed. (I only need to level up my mining a little bit more.)

Thanks for your time!

Edit: US realms, and willing to xfer!

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