70 Twink Tourney on The Era!


Level Capped - Owner
Hey peeps

Being a new sever, it's great to see the amount of people interested in this project. More than 60 accounts has been handed out, so we're coming along great.

We keep going at it so the server doesn't just die down. Which is why there this Sunday will be a tourney held. With rewards ofcourse.

Based on the current population, this first tourney, will be a 2s tourney.

What time?:

21:00 CEST
I can't think of a better time for EU & US.
(12:00 server time)


Since this will be the first time, rules are hard to set.
We will have to see how it turns out and we'll take it from there.
Just don't be a signing up double restoshaman or some shit like that.


Haven't really decided yet?
I guess, we'll find out later, suggestions are more than welcome. Perhaps a title? the Patient? We'll see ;)

Signing up:

Please do so in this thread, that way everyone has an idea of how many participants there is. And what they have a risk of facing.

Signup using this form:

Team neam:
Player one name/class:
Player two name/class:

So this is Sunday, which gives people that is not yet on the server or doesn't play the right class, some time to setup.

If you want an account PM here on TI and I'll get back to you as soon as I can with details on how to connect and all that too.

Hopefully there will be teams enough to make this happen.



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Team Name: nigx

Player one:
muhx - resto sham

Player two
Kipale - Prot warr
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Team name- downgoesvenruki

player one: platxz - disc priest

Player two: pejt - sub rogue
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Team name: My mom says im special

Player one:
Notaswog - Discipline Priest

Player two:
Riplolxde - Elemental Shaman

Signing up this team because they are banned from twinkinfo lol

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