70 Twink Alliance, What realm these days?


So im going back to 70 twinking and was thinking of what realm i should go to these days, ive read and heard that Stormscale is a good 70 twinking realm, but how is it Alliance side?
All ive seen on Stormscale is hordes.
Any other Server that is a huge twink server?

And how is the queue times for Alliance-Horde in random BGs?
Stormscale is not good for alliance, I guess alliance realms would be Silvermoon,Defias Brotherhood and Ravencrest,guessing there are a few more but those are on the top of my head,queue times are decent enough,average 5-8 mins maybe,on both sides,its fairly equal imo.
Gl :)
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ravencrest is decent old school hollywood not to active but its the 1 i can think of :)
Ravencrest, Outland and the Maelstrom does all have quite a few twinks on the Alliance side.

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