70 survival hunter

I find the play style much more enjoyable than BM or MM tbh.

I enjoy surv more than BM, but I actually think that MM is more fun than surv - mainly due to the fact that surv relies heavily on serpent sting, which is kinda dull
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I enjoy surv more than BM, but I actually think that MM is more fun than surv - mainly due to the fact that surv relies heavily on serpent sting, which is kinda dull
Yeah in 2s i think MM is more fun than surv but for 3s and bgs i go surv cause i think its more fun the more enemys their are XD
Nice stats in 2v2! 12-10 as sp / hunter with resil stacked set as hunter to ! You must be really good!
Randoms talking shit, who is your character? If your on US i would like to set up some 3s wargames and we will see who is good.
Meat; Hunter's dont need full resil to get high rating just have a brain and skillz. Then it wont be any problem with getting high rating.

Lolaimedshot; Dont worry i woudn't really mind to duel you or meet you in a wargame ;)
The number of times I almost got oneshot randomly at 2.4k+ mmr was basically every game... There's no way I would have survived many games if I did not have a substantial amount of resilience; you can't outplay your opponents if you're dead within 10 seconds rofl
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Meat; Hunter's dont need full resil to get high rating just have a brain and skillz. Then it wont be any problem with getting high rating.

Lolaimedshot; Dont worry i woudn't really mind to duel you or meet you in a wargame ;)
If only you weren't eu :( i would enjoy putting you where you belong.

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