70 Rogue help please

Well I've been a 70 rogue for some time, but I've just "winged" it on my gear. I didn't do bad, but after looking at the guides there seems to be some dire areas of improvement I may need.

So comparing my Rogue to the Guide what is it I might be doing wrong?



Some information:

I mainly do Arenas, I do NOT do many Battlegrounds as of now because all the good "twinkers" switch or start on Alliance (for the free trinket space due to Human racial) and I am not switching to Alliance until I get my other glaive. So focus your advice on an Arena rogue please

and yes, I know probably straight up agility stacking probably wasn't the best way to go about doing it, but I'm not very good with picking gems outside of my druid main. XD

Edit: Also note I'm a female goblin, I have no idea why it's coming up male like that o_O
you need more pvp gear mixed well together instead of random T6/T6.5 pieces. I'd suggest a 4/4 brutal set (helm chest shoulder and legs) and T6 4/4 (Legs, Bracers, Feet, Waist). This gives you resilience, a 10+ energy boost, and 6% more damage with hemo and backstabs. You should try backstabbing out, get a 1.8 dagger, i'd reccomend Crux with a 20+ agility gem. I'd also go with a Cloak of sins for stats. As for rings i'd suggest using guardian and vindicator until you get Hardened Khorium and The Eternal Champion. For a neck i'd just suggest a guardian necklace.

Now for gemming I personally prefer 10 agility / haste gems. Not for the weapon speed (although that is a good bonus), but for the energy regeneration, reaching 13+ energy automatically every second is a backstab by the time your global cd is up, giving constant burst.

For trinkets i'd just suggest a GLG with haste reforge. (+33 haste, fuck yeah) and your standard pvp trinket with resil.

I'd suggest learning your rogue completley before you start going for synapse or tazik, while overpowered, they just make rogues so much more lethal, if you know how to play without crutching on a 480+ agility boost each minute or a 7k Crit every 2 minutes, when you aquire them you can become a god.
Just throwing it in : Nesyla

Wile you can check the two Sticky at the top of this forum page.

And if you hav any Specific questions, just ask.

Altough i'm unsure if you want to be going with my gear,since you will be doing arena, perhaps a few resi piece will work out better than full pve.
Just throwing it in : Nesyla

Wile you can check the two Sticky at the top of this forum page.

And if you hav any Specific questions, just ask.

Altough i'm unsure if you want to be going with my gear,since you will be doing arena, perhaps a few resi piece will work out better than full pve.

Not really see'ing this in arena, lots of rogues going for the "PvE gear" for the huge dps rarely see rogues with resi :/
Yeah just go full pve - priest or mage bang 1 shot up to 2.2k+
And if you hav any Specific questions, just ask.

Why would you take http://www.wowhead.com/item=30724

over http://www.wowhead.com/item=34349, then you wouldn't be losing deadly throw utility?

(I'm assuming this is for pvp)

Also if this is for pvp? Are you carrying an extra weapon around with titanium chain To avoid disarms?

Rolling double moongoose is questionable in my eyes, but I don't play a rogue @ 70.

Perhaps 26 agility / Berserking is a good alternative from mongoose, since personally an extra mongoose seems like a waste.

Also, have you tried out http://www.wowhead.com/item=42336 instead of Hard khorium band? - Extra gem slot looks very viable.

I'd like to add why would you prefer Warglaive over http://www.wowhead.com/item=34346, or hasn't Mounting Vengence dropped for you yet?

ALSO perhaps having a look at http://www.wowhead.com/item=28888 over your* http://www.wowhead.c...on-of-the-blade.

I'd prefer 10 ap over 5 crit.

I've been looking over your gemming. Perhaps you could replace a 20 agility gem with a 10 agil/10 crit*or haste in your http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/item/34241 Or is trading 10 agility for 10 crit 4 ap worth it?
Why would you take http://www.wowhead.com/item=30724

over http://www.wowhead.com/item=34349, then you wouldn't be losing deadly throw utility?

(I'm assuming this is for pvp)

Also if this is for pvp? Are you carrying an extra weapon around with titanium chain To avoid disarms?

Rolling double moongoose is questionable in my eyes, but I don't play a rogue @ 70.

Perhaps 26 agility / Berserking is a good alternative from mongoose, since personally an extra mongoose seems like a waste.

Also, have you tried out http://www.wowhead.com/item=42336 instead of Hard khorium band? - Extra gem slot looks very viable.

I'd like to add why would you prefer Warglaive over http://www.wowhead.com/item=34346, or hasn't Mounting Vengence dropped for you yet?

ALSO perhaps having a look at http://www.wowhead.com/item=28888 over your* http://www.wowhead.c...on-of-the-blade.

I'd prefer 10 ap over 5 crit.

I've been looking over your gemming. Perhaps you could replace a 20 agility gem with a 10 agil/10 crit*or haste in your

Assuming this is a serious question, and not a troll, i will answer.

I switch the throw when needed, but on mages i find it barely of any utility.

I carry 3 extra weapons, one with titanium chain, and two with 26 agility.

Moongoose Procc stacks, so even if i did roll with two of it, it's not a waste and it has been prooved ( think satina posted quite a few maths around ) that it's better than berserking.

Hard Khorium Band is in fact bis.

I dont use Warglaive in Arena but i wouldent roll with a 2.6 speed off hand.

I'm exalted with the scryers, hence why i have this.

SImply because 20 agility > 10 agility - 10 haste and the 4 attack power from the bonus, as sub does get more agility from Sinister Calling.

Any more question ?

Edit : Have a few question my self.
  1. Why would you gem 10 expertise - 10 hit rating over 20 streght, when the gem does not get you hit capped or exp capped ?
  2. Why 10 crit - 13 spell penetration instead of just going 25 spell penetration and getting your spell pen cap ?
has anybody tested if the kara dagger is better than mv?

Expecting walls of text written by snowflake rogues, compairing their offhand glaive to Mounting Vengeance/Blade of the unrequited.

Did a quick comparison; http://www.wowhead.com/compare?items=28572.;34346. , And looks like the Blade of the unrequited wins, for raw offensive stats.

Whereas offhand glaive; http://www.wowhead.com/compare?items=28572.;32838
  • Why would you gem 10 expertise - 10 hit rating over 20 streght, when the gem does not get you hit capped orexp capped ?
  • Why 10 crit - 13 spell penetration instead of just going 25 spell penetration and getting your spell pen cap ?

Those two gems, weird I know. I'm sure 70 pene is hard cap at 70 unless 74*. so that extra 10 pene is doing nothing.

I should really replace the 10crit-13pene with 10haste-13pene. I'm not hitcapped if I don't gem 10 more hit, And I should replace that gem with 10 strength - 10 hit.

late @ night cant concerntrate

*I have never resisted a spell against a level 70 so this must be hard cap. (70)

*I'M hit capped with proper hat on.

*Yes I need to replace 10exp / 10 hit with 10hit / 10 strength and 13 Pene 10 crit with 13 pene 10 haste.

*mostly cbf - also gemming for you isn't hard 20 agil all sockets np


Durp maybe on you. I'm wearing a vanity hat.
I would not use glaive offhand unless you want to use it in bgs for lols.
I would not use glaive offhand unless you want to use it in bgs for lols.

I think most use it 'cos, well, it's a legendary, without giving thought to anything else, i ask rogues, they say "1.4 > 1.6 for poison proc agi dont matter", or some such.

Trying to explain how somthing could be better, ie; 20 agi to gloves over crusher, just explain the basic math; w/e dude idc skill > enchants and gear

Posted this in another thread, but I feel it's warranted here.

Both weapons take a fairly long time to get, and the process of acquisition is highly reliant on RNG. The offhand Glaive has a 4% chance of dropping off Illidan, and you have an approximately 5% chance of getting the dagger from Opera in Karazhan. These weapons are none-the-less the very best a rogue can use in the off-hand for 70 PVP. Which one is better can be determined with a little help from our friends mathematics and rational argument. Say hello to your new friends, and let us begin our magical journey!

Assuming you place 3 Delicate Cardinal Rubies in the dagger and do not have Kings or Might, the difference in stats between the two are the following:

Warglaive of Azzinoth - 330 HP / 10.8 white DPS

Blade of the Unrequited - 124 AP / 0.78% crit / 1.66% dodge

Going by this comparison, the dagger is vastly superior. As noted earlier in the thread, auto attacks (especially those made by the off-hand) do not make a critical difference in burst situations, even though they may over a long period of time contribute to a large part of your damage output. A small percentage of dodge is, in the same sense, incidental. It may make a difference in the long run, but it is about as useless as the 10 DPS offered by the Warglaive.

Thus, we can continue our further comparisons by assuming that the differences between the two weapons are 33 stamina on one side and 124 AP + 0.78% crit on the other. The last distinction yet to be taken into account is the weapon speed. The Warglaive being 0.2 seconds faster means that your Shiv will cost two energy less, but also increases the overall amount of crippling poison procs you get by 15%.

The value of the increased poison procs can be hard to judge. It may seem a negligible amount, but it should not be underestimated. My personal preference is clear, since every second you are out of melee range of your target relieves them of pressure and means you're doing no damage to them - something I wouldn't pass up for a small AP gain. Ultimately these weapons are almost equal in power, and whichever you choose comes down to whether you prioritize raw damage or control.


If you have Waylay - use Blade of the Unrequited

If you don't - use Warglaive of Azzinoth

Waylay being a terrible talent is a whole other discussion.

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