I vote Argent Dawn as well. It've been quite stable the past two years with Ante Amanthe, except during new raid releases and such (people started going online after a while again though)
The server isn't really overpriced on oldschool items like tbc gems and enchants either. Many people do old content raid for Tmogs. People are nice, helpful and many are motivated as long as events will occur.
I know that Hand of the Betrayer supplies their member with free gems, and back when i was in Ante Amanthe, they did the same (idk if they still do - Shinela?), so that matter would be sorted as well.
There are more than 1000 different twink characters on Argent Dawn (horde/ally) already. Some may be owned by the same player, but we did count 300 different accounts in Ante Amanthe a while back and we currently got 196 different accounts in Hand of the Betrayer. People will get online if events will be made again, wether it's pvp or pve.
I suppose we need to sort the elitist-crap that some people in the bracket got though, as it've caused trouble within the 70 bracket on Argent Dawn before. (And no, i'm not talking about you Onlydreams, if you believe this was aimed at you.)