70 PVP Gear?

On the PTR most 70pvp gear has gone up in cost and now has a rating needed to buy it.

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from this




lots more too much to list, now they just have to fix the 60 pvp gear.
Peatt said:
Thats normal on PTR! SINCE YEARS!

old ratings+old prices.

also s2/s3 is available ^

t h i s
Brale said:
i really wish they brought back rating requirements for pvp gear -_-

yea itd be such a good idea, knot
Doesn't this happen like every patch? Each time PTR is up these threads appear, but in the end the changes never go live.

I dont have anything against the rating requirement, but it does seem a bit stupid. It would just favor players who have bought brutal gear already.

Though I'd love to see s2/3 gear to come back avaiable via honor. Would use s3 gear over Brutal anytime, because looks > all.

Edit: Just noticed the price changes, what the fu...ah nvm forgot that they're doubling the honor gain.
you can get s1 and s2 gear by trading in t4 and 5 tokens cant you? s3 would be coo to get back since s1&2 got to stay (if they're still in game that is). i like my warriors pvp clown set with s2 shoulders, s3 chest, s1 legs & helm with s4 gloves.
but scrubs like you already have it.

if they added ratings the only fair thing to do would be reset the gear. i dont see either happening in the future, so calm down all you "old skewl" players
Nothing in WoW ever gets "reset".

They don't take away gear once earned... ever.

I still have my level 70 warlock Grand Marshal set. Yes, the one you can't get anymore. The one that was replaced by that horrible "rep" PVP gear with the same stats yet horrible look. Grandfathered, forever. Still have the level 70 Grand Marshal Staff too. I will never, ever delete, DE or sell those items. They were the worst "grind" of BG rep I have ever done and will ever do again.

As much as I loathe seeing XP off players in full Brutal gear ungemmed, with a mix of quest greens and blues because I know just how hard those shoulders were to get at one point? I do not want to see requirements put in for level 70 gear again.

You do that, you kill the bracket. Period. Amen.

I have talked several people into making a 70 of their choice. A class they always wanted but didn't want to level to 85 all over again. I told them how easy the gear was to get, how it was relatively cheap to enchant/gem. They ate it up and now love playing matches. If people had to grind out gear for a side project that was as if not more demanding than their mains? Yeah, you'd kill this bracket.

Like it or not rating/requirements on new characters would kill of 70-74 as quickly as XP in battlegrounds killed 39's, 49's etc.

New blood is a requirement to keep any bracket alive.

EDIT: Oh and not to brag because I know someone else can top this as far as the "can't get that anymore" novelty? I also have to have the only full warlock D2 set on my BC server. I did it in the dying days of BC prior to WOTLK for something to do. Everyone I played with thought I was crazy for doing it for RP purposes. Now, you can't get it. Their idea of RP sets are now T6 which to me, is laughable.

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