70 Mage PvP Guide 4.0


70 Mage PvP Guide for Patch 4.0 by Sélenagomez

My Armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Korgath&cn=Sélenagomez

Ive played a mage since early Burning Crusade.

Started on Dragonmaw as an Undead Male Mage called Koldsoul

Achieved Full Vengeful in s3.

Achieved Full Brutal in s4.

Now playing the same mage on Korgath Horde side (US)

under the name Sélenagomez Female Blood Elf

This is my first guide so it wont be fantastic but should be alrite. <3


1. Macros

2. Frost PvP Spec & Glyphs

3. Frost PvP Gearing & Gemming

4. Frost in Arena (Comp Setups & How to play Specific Comps)

5. Fire PvP Specs & Glyphs

6. Fire PvP Gearing & Gemming

7. Fire in Arena (Comp Setups & How to play Specific Comps)

8. Racials

9. Professions

1. Macros

There are a lot of macros I use to use pre 4.0 for arena to help with the removal of Ranked spells alot of them don't work anymore.

Im going to list all of them Below.

General Macros.

Spammable Wand

this macro preety much allows you to spam your wand keybind without it stoping the wand swing timer.

#showtooltip Shoot

/castsequence !Shoot, !Shoot

Bandage Self

Targets you uses which ever bandage you have linked in the area below

/use [target=player] (Insert Bandage Name here)

If you're using Heavy Frostweave bandages it should look like this

/use [target=player] Heavy Frostweave Bandage

One Button Battlemaster & Healthstone

This is great if you play with a Warlock uses your battlemaster trinket and healthstone in one button.

/use [Your trinket here];

/use [Whatever Healthstone you have]

My mages macro looks like this

/use Battlemaster's Celerity;

/use Master Healthstone

Mage Macros.

Target Arena(Insert Number here)

Allows you to cast a spell on a target without targetting them.

Macro 1

#showtooltip Deep freeze


/cast [target=arena1] Deep freeze

Macro 2

#showtooltip Deep freeze


/cast [target=arena2] Deep freeze

Just change Deepfreeze with Frostbolt, Icelance, Polymorph, Counterspell whatever spell you want to use for it :D

The first one targets the player at the top of the arena UI

Example of Macro 1.


Example of Macro 2.


Stop Cast Ice block

Stops casting whatever you're casting and Ice blocks

#showtooltip Ice Block


/cancelaura Ice Block

/cast Ice Block

Counterspell and Focus Counterspell Modifier

Stop whatever you are casting and cast counterspell. Holding down shift will cast it on your focus target instead of your current target.

#showtooltip Counterspell


/cast [modifier:shift, target=focus] Counterspell

/cast [nomodifier:shift] Counterspell

Change the "Shift" to whatever you want the modifier to be :)

Sheep and Focus Sheep Modifier

Cast Polymorph on your current target. Holding down shift will cast it on your focus target instead of your current target.

#showtooltip Polymorph

/cast [modifier:shift, target=focus] Polymorph

/cast [nomodifier:shift] Polymorph

2. Frost PvP Spec & Glyphs

Frost Spec

Tier 1: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=83050/early-frost 2/2 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=12953 3/3 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=12982 2/2

Tier 2: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=55094 3/3 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=12489 2/2 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=12571 3/3

Tier 3: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=12472 1/1 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=83074 3/3 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=86314 3/3

Tier 4: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=11958 1/1 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44549 3/3

Tier 5: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=54787 2/2 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=11426 1/1 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=86303 1/2

Tier 6: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44572 1/1


Prime: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=61206 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=63859

Major: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=56547 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=63864

Minor: Minors dont really matter as frost spec 8)

3. Frost PvP Gearing & Gemming

Basic things to know

Spell Penetration cap 80 (Very Important)

Spell Hit cap 5% (Extremely Important) Hit rating>All Stats

Spell power/haste most important stats after Spell Penetration/Hit Rating.

Resil is important as a mage you should aim for around 300 a mages mana is basically his/her health bar.

your health should be around 13k-ish

Okay there are two best in slot gear setups for frost PvP.

4piece 4piece

4piece 4piece is a VERY strong set-up for frost mages in pvp due to having the 4piece bonus of Brutal gladiator's set and the 4piece bonus of the Tempest set

4piece Brutal (Helm, Shoulders, Chest and Gloves)

4piece Tier 6 (Boots, Belt, Bracers, Legs)

Gearing and Enchanting for 4piece 4piece

Helm: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35097 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=29193

Neck Piece: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=37928

Shoulders: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35096 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=62384

Cloak: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34242 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=39003

Chest: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35099 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44588

Bracers: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34447 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=60767

Gloves: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35098 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44592

Belt: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34557 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41611

Legs: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=31058 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41604

Boots: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34574 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=47901

Ring 1: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35129

Ring 2: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34362

Trinket 1: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=37864 or http://cata.wowhead.com/item=37865 if Human both of Trinket 2

Trinket 2: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=32483 or http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41587

Weapon MH: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34336 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=43987

Off Hand: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35016

Wand: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34347

Meta: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41285

Red: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=40123

Blue: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=40182

Yellow: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=40155

Prismatic: Whatever you need on stats I use a Shattered Eye of Zul to hit my Spell Penetration cap.

Gearing 2piece 4piece Burst Gear

2piece 4piece is for people who preetymuch know mage like the back of there hand.

This setup is extremely squishy but has INSANE Spellpower/haste.

Same gemming/enchanting as 4piece 4piece but with 63sp to weapon instead of black magic.

Helm: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35097 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=29193

Neck Piece: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=37928

Shoulders: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35096 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=62384

Cloak: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34242 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=39003

Chest: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34232 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44588

Bracers: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34447 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=60767

Gloves: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34344 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44592

Belt: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34557 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41611

Legs: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=31058 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41604

Boots: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34574 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=47901

Ring 1: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35129

Ring 2: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34362

Trinket 1: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=37864 or http://cata.wowhead.com/item=37865 if Human both of Trinket 2

Trinket 2: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=32483 or http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41587

Weapon MH: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34336 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=43987

Off Hand: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35016

Wand: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34347

4. Frost in Arena (Comp Setups & How to play Specific Comps)

Frost mages are probably one of the best "Wizards" in WoW due to them having Insane Crowd Control (Frost nova, Improved Cone of Cold, Shatter Barrier, Deepfreeze, Pet Nova and Polymorph.)

Being able to endlessly kite any melee class with frostbolt is also very nice.

A frost mage in 2v2 is great partnered with a Disc Priest, Shadow Priest, Destuction Warlock, Sub Rogue, Mutilate Rogue and Resto Shaman

How to play these comps.

FrostMage/Disc Priest How to

At level 70 this comp is EXTREMELY strong due to being able to kill anyone in a deep freeze if you are playing with a priest that plays offensively.

Using Smite, Holy Fire, Devouring Plague, Shadow word: Pain, Shadow word: Death and Shadowfiend offensively is very important in this comp.

Chaining your crowd control

You want to chain your CC's as much as possible to set-up a kill.

Polymorph --> Polymorph --> Polymorph --> Fear --> Mind Control

FrostMage/ShadowPriest How to

This comp is much like Frostmage/Disc priest but with ALOT more damage but less healing.

At 70 you should be killing everyone cept maybe a full hotted resto druid in a deepfreeze.

Communincate on Skype/vent to setup a kill, get priest to Power word shield you Prayer of mending and renew you when you guys begin try force a trinket onto the healer by chain CCing it when he/she trinkets.

Polymorph the DPS and tell him to tell you on skype/vent when he has full dots rolling on the healer summon water elemental pet nova deep freeze icy veins Frostbolt frostbolt icelance with your priest mindflaying the target with full dots he is garunteed to die if you pulled this off properly.

FrostMage/Destruction Warlock How to

This comp is much like FrostMage/ShadowPriest setup a kill by chain CCIng the healer and casting into DPS (Dont blow all cds).

When healer trinkets use water elemental pet nova deepfreeze icy viens frostbolt frostbolt ice lance while your destro lock is Immotalate Chaosbolt Conflagging.

FrostMage/Sub/MutilateRogue How to

This is one of the most communication involved setups for 2v2 involving resetting/chaining CC using bandages and talking in skype/vent.

Pop invisability to allow your rogue to get get a sap on the DPS click the invisability buff off when he says he has sapped the DPS open on the healer with a Glyphed 5second garrote into a Frostnova deepfreeze he can die in that or trinket into a full kidneyshot.

Yeh its preety easy but requires communication.

Resto Shaman/FrostMage

Preety faceroll comp with all the haste you have from gear.

Shaman pops heroism/bloodlust.

Sheep Healer.

Pop Icy Veins.

Spam frostbolt.

.5second frostbolts for 4.5k



5. Fire PvP Specs & Glyphs

Fire Spec

Tier 1: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=84254 3/3 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=11080 2/2

Tier 2: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=12846 3/3 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=31642 2/2 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=12357 2/2

Tier 3: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=86949 2/2 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=11113 1/1 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44445 1/1 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=11367 2/2

Tier 4: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=11094 1/1 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=11129 1/1 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44448 2/2 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=86914 1/1

Tier 5: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=84674 2/2 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=31661 1/1

Tier 6: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=34293 1/2 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=12873 3/3

Tier 7: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44457 1/1


Prime: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=61206 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=89926

Major: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=56602 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=56547

Minor: http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=63093 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=58237

6. Fire PvP Gearing & Gemming

Fire requires more resil then frost due to not having frost barrier and as much control around 350-400 is how much you should aim for.

You wanna gem till you get 80 spell penetration 5% Spell hit then stack SP and Crit.

More crit = more Hot streak procs = more lol 7k pyroblasts.

Helm: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35097 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=29193

Neck Piece: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35132

Shoulders: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35096 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=62384

Cloak: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34242 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=39003

Chest: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35099 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44588

Bracers: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35179 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=60767

Gloves: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35098 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=44592

Belt: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34557 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41611

Legs: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34181 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41604

Boots: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34574 http://cata.wowhead.com/spell=47901

Ring 1: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35129

Ring 2: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34362

Trinket 1: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=37864 or http://cata.wowhead.com/item=37865 if Human both of Trinket 2

Trinket 2: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41590 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41588

Weapon MH: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34336 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=44487

Off Hand: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=35016

Wand: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=34347


Meta: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=41285

Red: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=40123

Yellow: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=40152 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=40154

Blue: http://cata.wowhead.com/item=40135 http://cata.wowhead.com/item=40153

7. Fire in Arena (Comp Setups & How to play Specific Comps

Only comp that is somewhat viable is Firemage/Destro Lock played exactly how Frostmage/Destro Lock is but without deep freeze so.

Sheep healer Nuke DPS keep ccing the healer try force a trinket if it doesnt trinket the dps will die.

If healer trinkets cc DPS and kill healer with some lolburst.

8. Racials

1 = Horrible

2 = Alrite

3 = Somewhat good

4 = Preety good

5 = I Just came.

Blood elf


Rating 3

Good: 6% mana on use

Bad: Melee range silence meaning you have to be in 5 yard radius to silence.



Rating 4

Good: Gets you out of fear, charm and sleep effects

Bad: Shares 30second CD with PvP trinket



Rating 1

Good: Being able to have another PvE trinket? not really that great.

Bad: 3minute Cooldown no Resil.

Draenei Dont even play this race.



Rating 5

Good: Another icy veins 20% Casting Speed ! :O

Bad: Nothing :O



Rating 1

Good: Escape a Nova to avoid some damage?

Bad: you're a ranged class dont really need it

9. Professions

Best: Engineering/Enchanting

23sp/23sp to rings

30stm/30stm to rings

27sp to cloak+23haste

Rocket glove 1kish damage to gloves+44ap

Hyperspeed accelorators = 340 haste on use + 28 sp

Medium Good: Engineering/tailor

same reasons listed above for engineer

Insane SP Proc on Cloak.

Bad: Everything else.

If theres any macros that dont work.

If you want me to go into more depth in Firemage/Frostmage rotation gemming.

If you want me to go into more depth in arena Strats because mine were just brief.

If you see a spelling error tell me<3 im aussie so some words are spelt different but that shouldnt effect the words I used.

Post here if you have any of these problems or any others.

Love Soberlol/Koldsoul/Koldsoulqt/Sélenagomez

lookn' good
Willing to make guides for other 70s wont be as detailed as this one if its like warlock or somethin ive played everyclass at 70 cept them :|
just a few questions on this guide.

Why do you choose brutal gloves over 2 socket ones just to push for the 4 peice bonus. you're not always gonna be able to freecast and 5% xtra dmg to FB is nowhere near game breaking. compared to more stats either way gemming haste/sp or even resil for surv would be better in the long run.

Same question different peice. Why do you prefer tempest legs to get a 4 set bonus when 3 socket legs provide a bigger stat gain and allow you to be more versitile with your gemming. (haste/sp or resil) I just dont understand how giving up extra gem slots is worth a stale 5% increase dmg on 1 spell. esp. since you can use epic gems and possibly epic cata gems come december.

Im pretty sure it was a typo but you linked mirror image minor glyph for frost spec (pvp) im pretty sure they do frostbolts by default so i dont see how the glyph changes anything. and frostfire bolt glyph over ice lance (i think it gives 5% extra dmg on ice lance). I mean 15% extra on FFB is nice but unless you proc that all day like an RNG king 5% on IL is probly better. idk

How is shaman / mage faceroll? every healer has dispel now so noones gonna eat a full poly rotation. also with cds like AMS / Lichborne etc i dont see how you're gonna set up your faceroll spam FB with heroism / icy veins kills. unless you're playing against people with downs. Im pretty sure a paladin could pillar hump for the full poly rotation and not die and still be able to quickly heal his dps partner incase of a quick switch (pallies are op 4.0) (or any healer probly)

Also wanted to ask why you say "pop" elemental when it lasts forever now. im almost sure you knew that already but im just wondering whats your reason behind it. do you plan to keep your pet unsummoned until you're gonna use him so they dont just train him off the bat? also i havnt been in an arena match so i dont know how the CD on the pet works now. but if u summon him @ the start would that put him on CD? or is it still up when you begin? (for example if they kill the pet off the bat wont you already have your pet off CD to just summon again?) <-- idk about this part

Also i know this is probably personal preference but how could you rate BE silence not even top with Will / Troll zerking. AOE silence is pretty gamebreaking sometimes and it gives mana back for those long turtle matches. IDK mages dont really need to rly on racials @ 70 because theyre pretty over the top. but to hate on draenis is rude!

i havnt read the full guide yet and i know this is gonna have bad grammar / punctuation but its 4am and i dont really care just wanted to ask since this is a "guide." also thought i could just contribute possible extra gear sets / gem choices because i think theyre better possibilities out there but i cant compare stats atm since chardev. is down. so meh
just a few questions on this guide.


Why do you choose brutal gloves over 2 socket ones just to push for the 4 peice bonus.

Gloves give the equip bonus .5second GCD off blink which is quite handy sometimes not as good as it use to be .5seconds off polymorph or .15 its like 5am >_< and yes its for the 4piece bonus.

you're not always gonna be able to freecast and 5% xtra dmg to FB is nowhere near game breaking. compared to more stats either way gemming haste/sp or even resil for surv would be better in the long run.
I Freecast quite a bit if your not being able to freecast with all that haste theres something seriously wrong. Frostbolts going for 1.1second casts 5% Damage to frostbolt nice rather then maybe 1-2% damage reduction? and maybe 300 health? while losing around 50sp 20haste if you would switch to guardians gear.

Same question different peice.


Why do you prefer tempest legs to get a 4 set bonus when 3 socket legs provide a bigger stat gain and allow you to be more versitile with your gemming. (haste/sp or resil) I just dont understand how giving up extra gem slots is worth a stale 5% increase dmg on 1 spell. esp.

5% damage increase is a fair bit quite abit more then the 20haste? 24sp? you gain if you gemmed a pair of leggings of calamity also losing around 1.5% hit?

since you can use epic gems and possibly epic cata gems come december.

Word on the street is cata gems require iLevel 300 gear to use.

But if i could use cata gems Id probly be running full BiS PvE gear with somethin like 30haste20resil gems in each socket. (Not what the gem stats are just some random number<3)

Im pretty sure it was a typo but you linked mirror image minor glyph for frost spec (pvp) im pretty sure they do frostbolts by default so i dont see how the glyph changes anything.

That was a typo >_< control + V didnt work proply and obviously didnt copy D: ty thoe.

and frostfire bolt glyph over ice lance (i think it gives 5% extra dmg on ice lance). I mean 15% extra on FFB is nice but unless you proc that all day like an RNG king 5% on IL is probly better. idk

First off cant start a sentence with and.

FFB Glyph makes frostfire hit super hard mangg 5% icelance damage is a fair bit lower then Frostbolt atm for me being able to 4.9k frostbolt into a 5.4k FFB is just lols man srsly.

How is shaman / mage faceroll?

I didnt really want to explain this but playing with a glad Rshaman in 2's It was preety faceroll id sheep the healer or dps depending who I targettd first then id just Icy viens/Hyperspeed get shaman to bloodlust and mash my .5second frostbolts for half peoples Health pools?

every healer has dispel now so noones gonna eat a full poly rotation.

Yes every healer does but there is ALOT of double DPS teams at 70.

all dps losing the cleanse is great sheep healer blow up dps?

Unless we are playing a somewhat good priest that knows how to cancel aura his Aegis/PWS to SW:Death which i can fake cast and make him remove his shield then I dont know? or maybe he has 0 latency and can SW:death a .5second sheep.

also with cds like AMS / Lichborne etc i dont see how you're gonna set up your faceroll spam FB with heroism / icy veins kills. unless you're playing against people with downs. Im pretty sure a paladin could pillar hump for the full poly rotation and not die and still be able to quickly heal his dps partner incase of a quick switch (pallies are op 4.0) (or any healer probly)

I havnt looked into 4.0 Lichbourne but im preety sure that just turns you undead makes you immune to fear allows you to deathcoil yourself and heal like it did in 3.3.5?

They could pillar hump for aslong as they want there not doing any dmg to me.

Sometime there partner will have to come and fight me Nova + Deepfreeze pop cds he dies in 2seconds 3 seconds tops?

Also wanted to ask why you say "pop" elemental when it lasts forever now. im almost sure you knew that already but im just wondering whats your reason behind it. do you plan to keep your pet unsummoned until you're gonna use him so they dont just train him off the bat?

I pop elemental when I need to use it because people will zerg him making me wait something like 3minutes to summon again?

also i havnt been in an arena match so i dont know how the CD on the pet works now. but if u summon him @ the start would that put him on CD? or is it still up when you begin? (for example if they kill the pet off the bat wont you already have your pet off CD to just summon again?) <-- idk about this part

No it works like 3.3.5 combustion so you use it gives you the buff (Summons the water ele) and Cooldown starts when it goes away/dies/cancelled

Also i know this is probably personal preference but how could you rate BE silence not even top with Will / Troll zerking. AOE silence is pretty gamebreaking sometimes and it gives mana back for those long turtle matches. IDK mages dont really need to rly on racials @ 70 because theyre pretty over the top. but to hate on draenis is rude!

The Blood elf silence is ez 5++++++ if your a rogue w/e melee classes belfs have >_<

Playing only at 2500 as a blood elf rogue since im riding my opponantz cawks all day as mutilate or shadowdance depending if i was playing RLS or RMP but as Shadowdance i had a Shadowstep Silence and a shadowstep kick macro was very nice 8) but that silence is terrific if your a rogue :p

played higher as night elf imp stealth FTW <3.

Yes its a preety gamebreaking silence if you want to sit ontop of that Disc Priest that has a fear waiting for you or that paladin that wants to hoj you im happy with standing at 30-40yard range :D

I really never run out of mana I always have mana gems/drinks If i needa drink abit ill sheep go drink get my priest to drop a fear bomb get to 75% ish mana make mana gem??

Draenei is gross mang all squid faced and gross and ugh.

i havnt read the full guide yet and i know this is gonna have bad grammar / punctuation but its 4am and i dont really care just wanted to ask since this is a "guide." also thought i could just contribute possible extra gear sets / gem choices because i think theyre better possibilities out there but i cant compare stats atm since chardev. is down. so meh

I dont remember if I told you but I dont even use 4piece 4piece its very bad friendly allowing people to do shitloads of damage but have surviveability yeh im shit at spelling x_x.

I Use 2piece 4piece runnin 240ish resil I can tank a Rogue/Warrior/dk in full bis for like 3-4minutes? just with Frostbolt and runnin around maintaining the slow and keeping up my barriers/wards blinking the grips sitting in kidneyshots (Like a boss) and iceblocking blanket silences Improved cone of colding then lolling as i walk away.

oh and thanks for feedback/critizim w/e you spell it :|
eh im pretty satisfied.

i dont have BIS mage gear on my mage yet so icant see the numbers to know if fbs would hit harder with all that haste/dmg gemming

cause with priest mage i guess they wouldnt be on you sometimes or not till ur spamming big dmg
my frostbolts are like .9seconds? so its super sexy .5second sheeps never get interrupted unless some bad goes for a random blanket silence and for some reason hits me :(

Pyro rocket is shit now so i can delete one of my 4pairs of brutal gloves :|

Pyro rocket

28 sp


Hyperspeed thingos.

could you make a 70 rogue or druid guide? i have a 70 druid and a 69 rogue, im thinking about doing 70's on one of them.
Whaty said:
could you make a 70 rogue or druid guide? i have a 70 druid and a 69 rogue, im thinking about doing 70's on one of them.

I can make a really detailed rogue one like this mage one.

Ill start that now wont be finished as quick as the mage one since I have work and stuff on weekdays :|
Soberlolz said:
70 Mage PvP Guide for Patch 4.0 by Sélenagomez

My Armory: The World of Warcraft Armory

Ive played a mage since early Burning Crusade.

Started on Dragonmaw as an Undead Male Mage called Koldsoul

Achieved Full Vengeful in s3.

Achieved Full Brutal in s4.

Hmm, you told me you didnt in either 1 of those seasons. Not trying to troll just never see you online anymore.

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