70 Locks?


Hey, recently leveled up a new twink

A warlock, i currently enjoy all specs, i would just maybe like some help on...

rotation, tips, tricks, everything really...

all help is welcome ;)

Thanks alot :D

70 locks are quite squishy and can be quite hard to play. However, if you get the hang of it, then affliction would probably be the specc to pick.

Set off with haunt > UA > corr > immolate > Agony and then spam fillers - I haven't played a lock since ToC really, so I haven't followed the changes.

It seems to me that there are some demo locks out there aswell, I wouldn't know how that works though.

The gear would be the same as mages, brutals with whatever proper sunwell / BT Gear you can get your hands on :)

Enjoy the bracket mate :)
Willesen1 said:
70 locks are quite squishy and can be quite hard to play. However, if you get the hang of it, then affliction would probably be the specc to pick.

Set off with haunt > UA > corr > immolate > Agony and then spam fillers - I haven't played a lock since ToC really, so I haven't followed the changes.

It seems to me that there are some demo locks out there aswell, I wouldn't know how that works though.

The gear would be the same as mages, brutals with whatever proper sunwell / BT Gear you can get your hands on :)

Enjoy the bracket mate :)

Can't have UA and Immo up at the same time..
Yeah i know a bit about locks, there isn't really any tips and tricks really, my rotation is situational, but mostly haunt > Corruption > UA > Curse of Tongues/Exhaustion/Elements (Situational ofc) > Bane of Agony.

Affliction is definitely the best spec at level 80, and i played 2s with an affliction lock as a hpala at 70 and we went 2.2kish, worked well just didn't play much, so I'm not sure if its best spec at 70. Always have felhunter out.

So yeah go affliction and pwn.
was playing affl warlock back in tbc

and lvling another one to the 70 atm

first of all CoElem!, UA(to protec dispells), or just go for UA cast with CoElem right after, haunt, dots, spam drains.
Because you don't want to use coe, you want to use weakness, exhaustion and tongues.
Sharlindra said:
was playing affl warlock back in tbc

and lvling another one to the 70 atm

first of all CoElem!, UA(to protec dispells), or just go for UA cast with CoElem right after, haunt, dots, spam drains.

I thought you were banned? :(
Go destro - alot of fun, and I think its the best spec at 70..

Since the dmg at 70 is just crazy, you need alot of cc, and destro got the best kind of cc, with shadowfury..

Rotation I use is : shadowfury - immolate - fear - (pet's dispell) - dot's - chaos bolt -(eng rocket if you have) - Conflag - soulburn +instant soul fire - (pet silence) - fear - incinerate - shadowburn = dead target.. :p

If you think this sounds fun, just log on to Terenas server, and ask for the GM of Eternal Sanctuary.. :)
From my limited experience of playing on a friends 70 Warlock, don`t go Affliction. He isn`t especially geared, but even with 14k+ health and about 620 resilience AND 5300 damage absorption from Voidwalker Sacrifice, he was going down like a sack of shit.

Damage output was laughable as well, I couldn`t seem to hardly kill anything. I basically just used him to hide and dot everything up and support like CC`ing people on healers, etc...

I imagine Destro would be far more effective.
Locks are damn great, BUT sadly there are a few classes that are pretty OP vs us.. Equal skill = mage+rogue will always win.. sadly.. :/

The rest of the classes we can take, so as I said, its alot of fun.. and thank god there are sooooooooooooo many bad mage's and rogues that we can toy with.. :p
Willesen1 said:
70 locks are quite squishy and can be quite hard to play.

True, altough if well played warlocks are a pain to kill, but it is in fact very easy to most classes to counter them, a stupid example could be made with warriors, who are known as the weakest 70's class wile a bad warrior, could win over a decent warlock.

I agree with Willesen, affliction is probably the best choise, for pve i would say, wile for pvp i would go with Demo as the armor might allow you to survive in extreme situations, wile if you manage to get a healer with you than affliction will be deadly in pvp.

A priest and you are ready to hit hard in bg's.

ps. watch out for ferals and rogues, they snap you before your even off global.

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