fearowshima said:
I said for Demo did I not? And haste is the primary stat for a Demo lock if you are not over that HoG-immolate threshold, which most PVP Demo locks who are at 5% haste are not. *So it appears the Best 70 Lock cannot read*
Stop trying to troll me in a retarded way, I just explained why Demo is NOT the best for PvP and why it should NOT stack Haste, because they will die like flies.
fearowshima said:
Demonic Aegis ??? That's by definition a 'self-heal' right there when you have Demon Armor up, because you're adding to heals cast on you by an extra 10%.
And 50% of all dmg done by a demo lock is done by their pet, so I'd consider Fel Synergy a survivability/self heal talent because it's hugely responsible for maintaining your overall effectiveness to CC and Dmg.
FAILLLL. Demonic Aegis is NOT selfhealing, it just grants the extra +10% healing IF your healer isn't CCd, the only way it would account for selfhealing is for Death Coil etc, and we all know that Death Coil at 70 heals for almost two times nothing. Selfhealing is when you can actively heal yourself, by
NOT RELYING ON OTHER PEOPLE. IE: Glyph of Felhunter/Healthstone/DeathCoil/Siphon Life/DrainLife/Soul Leech. Demonology only lets you lose selfhealing and gives a 10% bonus to some spells that heal for basicly nothing, fact. And again, double fail since Fel Synergy is NOT selfhealing, it's healing for your pet, and Fel Synergy doesn't even come close to the amount Devour Magic heals for felpuppy in PvP.
fearowshima said:
Also, if you think Meta is merely an offensive ability, then lol. 600% armor increase, chance of being crit reduced by 6% and 50% stun reduction? Tell me how that is not defensive? Plus the Demon leap is an extra 2 sec stun, which when used correctly in sequence with death-coil, axe toss and even fear = a caster's equivalent to a rogue stun-lock.
I don't know the amount of times Meta has saved me against burst openers in 2v2 - but it's been a fair few, and then it was definitely more effective as a D than an O ability.
You keep asking if i'm too retarded to read, but it seems you're just too retarded to read properly and keep asking if I am so you feel safe if I'm in the same room with you. I literally said "The only defensive Cooldown it has is a 3minute CD Metamorph that's also their only Offensive CD..." and you come with "If you think that Meta is merely an offensive ability". Please, L M A O.
Also, "Demon leap is an extra 2 sec stun", Shadowfury > Demon Leap, fact.
fearowshima said:
But you're right, Destro probs is an easier spec to kill peeps on if you're supported by a 700+ resil healer. O, and if you're complaining about the global CD on hand of g being an issue, perhaps cast it during a stun rotation? Fakecasting also helps.
First, thanks for finally acknowledging that I'm right and Destro is indeed the most viable spec to play with on High Resi, you're right about that too. You see, I'm a little bit humble é. But however, I'm not complaining about how "the global CD on HoG" is an issue, I explained how a spelllock during HoG locks out both your Fire&Shadow trees and that IS an issue. Even if you fakecast a kick, or a counterspell (or even both), your immolate has run out and half of the purpose of doing HoG is gone. Demo is _NOT_ a viable PvP spec 70 since you lack core abilities as well.
And can you please come with decent arguements so I don't need to repeat myself or just admit you're wrong.