70 dk twink

you finally duel wielded broken? and how did it go !??

cant really see the difference to be honest apart from burst/sustained damage but from the past days i've been unable to play due to extreme lag ***** virgin media.

I seem to be hitting 1,3k obliterates on fully gemmed pala healers which makes me shiver compared to my 3,5ks with 2h.

all in all i'll probably go back to 2h soon, hoping it gets a buff next patch so I have an excuse.

conclusion :

DW 1H : Very good obliterate procs crap crits imo Sustained damage. Frost strikes crit for mehish damage

2H : Mehish obliterate procs nice crits imo Burst damage. Frost strikes crit for good damage

I'm more of a (inb4 flame) burst 6k obliterate followed by a 4k tazik person but that's just me

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