It's not just Outland stuff. I play at 79, but most consumables except flask I use are usable by 70s as well. A dedicated 70 twink can chime in if I missed anything.
Flask: Flask of relentless Assault (30AP)
Potion: potion of speed (200 haste), or free action potion (30s stun/slow/root immunity), or swiftness potion (50% run speed), or an HP pot (doesn't share a cd with the others), as needed
Food: Blackened Dragonfin (13 sta+ 13 agi) or Blackened Worg Steak (track humanoids, I use this for wpvp)
Weapon buffs: Adamantite weightstone or sharpening stone (9 dmg, 7 crit) on MH, Superior Mana Oil (20 versa) on OH. You can use each of these on both weapons if you prefer, depends on the class I guess.
edit: added numbers, clarified healing potion not sharing cd.