70 BG's are shit?


Something I've been noticing lately is that battlegroundat 70 are shit for both hordes and alliance for a number of reasons:

- Everyone freezes at 70 nowadays including tons of noobs and retards

- Everyone thinks they're twinked by having full brutal and green leveling gear

- Players on the opposite side (wether horde or alliance) act like idiots when they got a healer behind them

So I´m kinda wondering if the US servers experience the same rush of complete retards at 70, cause it´s really getting on my nerves.
Sorta...... i haven't gotten into a que in awhile tho.
Its scary how bad these people are. And they call themselfs "twinks" with level 60 outland questing belts etc... If you have a warglaive like I do I fucking dare you to put it on in a bg... you get spammed by some random yard apes "OH MY GOD HOW U GET?! WHERE CAN I HAS GETS IT?!" :(
we have same issues on US groupings we have players:

- with 60 epics, too proud to even put on better BC blues and greens

- at 70 with blues/greens from vanilla WOW

- who end up in the BG, cause now they are saving to buy WOTLK (#1 reason i think)

- at 70 in BOA gear, to boot....non-enchanted

- best yet...70's in some of the brutal gear, non enchanted - gemmed....not even a attempt and cheaper gems/enchs

it actually makes the games truly suck, and depending on when these players roll, it's bad whether you are alliance or horde comes to timing and luck

blizz has got leveling now way to fast, thru RAF'n, dungeon finder, guild bonuses, BoA bonuses, and the boosts blizzard put in, that many of the quests that would somewhat gear players are skipped in the faster leveling process. nothing we can do about it, the focus is getting players ripped to the end game content

it would be nice if players got to 67 and pre-BG'd for some gear, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Feztheone said:
Its scary how bad these people are. And they call themselfs "twinks" with level 60 outland questing belts etc... If you have a warglaive like I do I fucking dare you to put it on in a bg... you get spammed by some random yard apes "OH MY GOD HOW U GET?! WHERE CAN I HAS GETS IT?!" :(

why are you even using a glaive?
I personally think that the 70 bracket has been made too lame to play on, it used to be the only thing i played on (Well mostly because i was on a tbc-account) i mean, we fought to get our brutal items and we raided with pure 70s to get other items, now you just buy the brutal items for honor and get boosted by 85s for other stuff. It's so easymode that it's boring.

Long story short, i bought cata.

Stale said:
Something I've been noticing lately is that battlegroundat 70 are shit for both hordes and alliance for a number of reasons:

- Everyone freezes at 70 nowadays including tons of noobs and retards

- Everyone thinks they're twinked by having full brutal and green leveling gear

- Players on the opposite side (wether horde or alliance) act like idiots when they got a healer behind them

So I´m kinda wondering if the US servers experience the same rush of complete retards at 70, cause it´s really getting on my nerves.

That's called people and they are everywhere. you fucking downy
AkAPatriot said:
I personally think that the 70 bracket has been made too lame to play on, it used to be the only thing i played on (Well mostly because i was on a tbc-account) i mean, we fought to get our brutal items and we raided with pure 70s to get other items, now you just buy the brutal items for honor and get boosted by 85s for other stuff. It's so easymode that it's boring.

Long story short, i bought cata.


I'm pretty sure everyone that twinked at 70 including myself was boosted by 80s or 85s through raids. If you type something like '' I didn't get boosted! i put in the hard work to run through Sunwell with 25 other twinks legitimately!'' there's nothing legit about clearing a TBC raid after wotlk release and i'm pretty sure you or your raid members would have been carried also to make their twinks.
AkAPatriot said:
I personally think that the 70 bracket has been made too lame to play on


Considering 70's are by far the most active twinking bracket at the moment, you're in few numbers.

Although I'm glad you're happy with your decision to get cata.
AkAPatriot said:
I personally think that the 70 bracket has been made too lame to play on, it used to be the only thing i played on (Well mostly because i was on a tbc-account) i mean, we fought to get our brutal items and we raided with pure 70s to get other items, now you just buy the brutal items for honor and get boosted by 85s for other stuff. It's so easymode that it's boring.

Long story short, i bought cata.


what you are saying generally applies to any twink bracket, always been that way. as for 70's

in BC and WotLK players could win or lose their way to gear, get carried, win trade, etc. etc.

if 70 gear was at high prices, BGs in 70-74 would be even worse, but overall it's the most active bracket of any of the twinks i have....so can't really complain much
Kruul said:
That's called people and they are everywhere. you fucking downy

That's besides the point, I dont mind if there are people who dont have money to buy WotLK and therefore join 70 bg's, cause they're just playing the game.

HOWEVER the other people purposely xp-froze at 70 (after all we don't have the same queues) for a reason and that reason is most likely twinking for PvP. Now these people aren't twinks (they've put no effort into anything) and they can't PvP. What's the reason to xp-freeze and join bg's then?
Tbh i think it is the most balanced bracket;everybody got around the same kind of gear, and the gear is easy attainable these days, it all comes down to killa skillz which imo is more funny than just rapeing due to gear...

tryed some lvl 84 pvp as a prot pala... which was boreing cuz the gear difference is huge..its fun to start out with mkay
Wait, Stale....Why is that a problem? lol What is better than you being a bad-ass, skilled twink and pwning some wanna be full brutal twinks?
Stale said:
That's besides the point, I dont mind if there are people who dont have money to buy WotLK and therefore join 70 bg's, cause they're just playing the game.

HOWEVER the other people purposely xp-froze at 70 (after all we don't have the same queues) for a reason and that reason is most likely twinking for PvP. Now these people aren't twinks (they've put no effort into anything) and they can't PvP. What's the reason to xp-freeze and join bg's then?

TL;DR : He's pissed.
Stale said:
What's the reason to xp-freeze and join bg's then?

um...its called twinking. same as any bracket. asshat.
I get your replies, but for me, twinking is more about the journey to get the items and sence of acomplishment when you do thats fun. Yeah our guild got boosted in the first raids but very quickly we started with 100% 70s. And aye i know the raids has been nerfed.
ok great, but thats like, your opinion man. gettin those BiS items youve been salivating over can be fun and rewarding, but it soon gets old when you're a raid of fully decked out 70s doin the same content week in week out. its no surprise people like daman get bored. which is why its so awesome that the 70 bracket is so populated, things almost never get stale in pvp/arena. and you can get the pvp gear w/o having to get a raid together and bicker with 85s about gear. the raids will (hopefully) always be there, so you can always go back and raid again when it sparks your interest and pvp in the mean time

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