US 70 Bash Pre-Level squish in SL! OVER, Thanks to the participants and those who watched


TBC Classic
Hey guys, Blackberryy, deciding to post in this sub forum again since my long needed break. Glad to be posting in here and glad to be bringing the news i have for all of you! As you know there was a drought of activity in this bracket, but with the recent surge in activity and the video posted by our beloved @Blaumeux (who is also hosting this amazing event) it has garnered much more interest and is currently gathering numbers and seeing wargames daily.

Starting off the thread strong i'll hop right into the important bits! There are loads of activity's planned including both PvE and PvP to suit each play style accordingly. These events will be broken into 2 days, those days are: July 11th and July the 18th.
This event will be taking place in 2 discords, with the practicing and meeting up being in

That Seventies Show discord:
Also a separate discord for the events themselves on the day of
70's Tournament Discord:

FOR A GRAND TOTAL OF $300 in winnings!
Announcement video:

Blaumeux implores all members interested whether you have an established twink or would like to make one to come and join! The 70's have tons of activity in the discord currently and i am sure people would love to either level with you, find a group, and or just socialize and gear until the day of. More will be added as it is released to me by Blaumeux, if you have any questions feel free to pm Blaumeux or me on here or discord, Or @Blaumeux on discord here:
Blaumeux: Amordria#7590

Blackberryy: Blackberryy#3875
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Hey guys, Blackberryy, deciding to post in this sub forum again since my long needed break. Glad to be posting in here and glad to be bringing the news i have for all of you! As you know there was a drought of activity in this bracket, but with the recent surge in activity and the video posted by our beloved @Blaumeux it has garnered much more interest and is currently gathering numbers and seeing wargames daily.

Starting off the thread strong i'll hop right into the important bits! There are loads of activity's planned including both PvE and PvP to suit each play style accordingly. These events will be broken into 2 days, those days are: July 11th and July the 18th.
This event will be taking place in 2 discords, with the practicing and meeting up being in

That Seventies Show discord:
Also a separate discord for the events themselves on the day of
70's Tournament Discord:

View attachment 15815

Announcement video:

We implore all members interested whether you have an established twink or would like to make one to come and join! We have tons of activity in the discord currently and i am sure people would love to either level with you, find a group, and or just socialize and gear until the day of. More will be added as it is released, if you have any questions feel free to pm me on here or discord, Or @Blaumeux on discord here:
Blackberryy: Blackberryy#3875
Blaumeux: Amordria#7590
no thanks. you had a chance to engage a bunch of us active 70s and you acted like a complete dbag when our 70s were going strong pushing fake server crap. have fun
no thanks. you had a chance to engage a bunch of us active 70s and you acted like a complete dbag when our 70s were going strong pushing fake server crap. have fun
Then don’t come, I’m not hosting it, Blaumeux is, and I was over the 70 community at that point, I am only back to participate and help, not to host anything. You do you. Would love to see you guys there
no thanks. you had a chance to engage a bunch of us active 70s and you acted like a complete dbag when our 70s were going strong pushing fake server crap. have fun
Might be the last time you get to play 70s in a large scale event though!
no thanks. you had a chance to engage a bunch of us active 70s and you acted like a complete dbag when our 70s were going strong pushing fake server crap. have fun
Hey man!! I don’t know if we’ve met but I really hope you can look past prior events and come join the fun. I’m hosting it and want to have something for everyone, even casual events. You don’t have to participate in anything if you don’t want but it would be really cool if you stopped by and said hi :)

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