70-79 70 Achievement and Reputation Guide

Appreciate the effort you put in here, but just saying that it still contains flaws and it could be a very good thread if you just updated it and cleaned it up a bit. Maybe made it a bit easier to read.

Hope you do!
Cleared some info + colored 1st part a bit + added Darkmoon info. Its not the book that you read for hours , thats some compressed info - the person who need something from here will just find the part and read it.

So, sticky please, so 70s will be able to find it easily and not somewhere on the n-th page
Player vs Player

Excluded: Gilneas, Isle of conquest, Tolbarad ( it ports you out even if you will get summoned by a warlock to Tolbarad peninsula, except the "tolbarad all-star- you can kill any enemy , best is to find a friend who you will kill again and again ), Twink Peaks; also Conquest points and Call to Arms.

WG achieves that you can get:
  • Leaning Tower- be near the tower and in a party with a guy who kill it
  • Destruction Derby- bring vehicles to the WG/dragonblight border near the Fire tower and just kill it while you are in dragonblight
  • Wintergrasp Ranger- kill, kill kill !
  • Black War Mammoth- buy it

You can get all RBG achieves and maybe Gladiator ones ( seems that they have fixed it in wotlk, but who knows...)

Tolbarad achieves:

10 player kills - you can get when Tol Barad is not in an active battle, you won't get ported out.

Siege achieves, thx to Dimsal for info:

Only when YOU have tol barad . When defending is the only time you can kill siege engines.

Okay so step to step:
  1. Summon your 70 to Tol Barad Penninsula
  2. Queue up to TB on 85 (or have a friend do it)
  3. Make sure to be the FIRST person to accept the invitation to TB so you(or your 85 friend) get leader (If you fail beg the leader to give you leader/assistant)
  4. Invite your 70 who you want achies on
  5. Stand still in Tol Barad Penninsula while in the TB raid group and get credit for siege kills.

You can't get the tower kill achi or any other TB achies than the 3 ones I have.

Total points:1705
You can also get Greedy/Needy achievements during the seasonal events for bosses, they drop Cata gear 359+. Grab your 85, queue with friend/guildie, make friend/guildie leader, log on to your 70, ask him to inv, port in, kill boss, Roll for loot and GL
You can also get Greedy/Needy achievements during the seasonal events for bosses, they drop Cata gear 359+. Grab your 85, queue with friend/guildie, make friend/guildie leader, log on to your 70, ask him to inv, port in, kill boss, Roll for loot and GL
Or just be in a group killing northrend rares and roll on the blues they drop.
Another stupid question about TB. Ally defending, horde attacking. All the siege engines are abandoned and cant be entered. how can i

deploy them on my horde?
How does one go about getting the achievements:
Ready for Raiding II, The Fiery Lords of Sethria's Roost, Fireside Chat, King of the Spider-Hill, Infernal Ambassadors, Master of the Molten Flow, Have... Have We Met
The daily zones seem to be phased and I'm curious on how you get around that.
The Fiery Lords of Sethria's Roost, Infernal Ambassadors, Have... Have We Met - are indeed phased, but.

Group up with 85 on those daily quests, stay/fly near him and you will get a kill credit. Last one is a bit tricky- those mobs are pets and follows the player even out of phase and stays there for a second, then despawn. Again, the 85 guy with the mob need to fly out of the phase ( to Felwood/hyjal border, in air) and you need to spam /tar manrik /wave (or similar) macro. Once they are out of phase and still follow the 85 they will stay there for around 0.5-1 second, then despawn - thats enough for macro.

I did not test molten front ones except king of the spider hill- even if you get summoned up there you will still need to be gripped by a spider to get the achieve.
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