70-74 questions


Hey Guys

Decided to dust off the old twink and I'm currently in the process of updating my gear.

I'd like to know how are the queue times in 2s and 3s at this moment and do people even do 5s nowadays.

Also do people still do bgs whilst their exp is stopped? Simply asking since I was in a queue for about 1 hour the other day and it never really popped.

Also if you could let me know what is considered as "peak time" in the 2s and 3s brackets.

Please keep in mind that I'm on EU

I can't speak for arena as i have no interest in it but when it comes to BG. AFAIK Eu is dead. First weeks of 5.4 were good with pops everyday and 15min wait time. Then it stopped. I guess players re-subbed one month and canceled again seeing a bunch of 74 hybrids everywhere.
Arena ques are long and bg's take like an hour to que during the week, and like 5-10min on weekend.

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