Welcome to my 7.3 Feral guide. With the recent patch, feral has received a 33% damage increase to all abilities making it pretty op.
To compare, here’s some screenshots.
Here’s my feral in patch 7.2
And here’s my Feral in 7.3
(Doubled everyone’s damage with a 4 cap)
This class is super op if played right.
A few things to keep in mind.
This guide is for players who are familiar with the game, and will understand the "lingo" I use throughout this guide. If you are totally new to druid and WoW PvP, I'd recommend searching up basic feral guides to gain a better, core understanding of the class.
I’ve also been playing 20-29 feral since MoP. A lot of the things I’ll explain here I think about intuitively and usually don’t have to type out and explain. If some things end up becoming convoluted, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll try to edit the guide or reply with a better explanation.
Let’s first start off with races.
Darkflight - This ability increases your speed by 40%. It can be super useful for catching up to enemy flag carries, kiting players, or even flag carrying and getting across the battleground faster.
Viciousness - This passive increases your critical strike by 1%. It's an alright ability and will make your bleeds hit a little bit harder but it isn't the end-all-be-all for this race.
The rest of the Worgen passives are pretty trivial and won't do a lot for you so it isn't worth spending time on them.
Night Elf:
Shadowmeld - This is probably one of the best abilities for a feral druid. With Blizzard reducing the cooldown of Prowl from 10 seconds to 6 seconds, you'll now be able to stealth and open with rake stun a lot more often(I'll explain this a bit more later). Because of this, Shadowmeld is useful for a few reasons.
A) You can shadowmeld into a Prowl and get a clutch rake stun to peel for your healers, FC, etc.
B) You can dodge huge hitting abilities like Chaos Bolt, Flanking Strike, Ray of Frost, etc. by predicting when the enemy will cast, and hitting shadowmeld at the last second. This will nullify all damage from that ability being cast on you.
C) Getting enemies off your back. If a giant zerg is on you, hitting shadowmeld will make you invisible for a second making all enemies un-target you. This is helpful for getting away/juking out your opponents. Or for allowing your healer to get some nice heals in without having to deal with incoming damage.
Overall, both Alliance races are viable for feral in their own ways. In my opinion, Shadowmeld really helps for getting additional rake stuns making Night Elf slightly better. However, playing Worgen shouldn't put you at a huge disadvantage.
War Stomp - This is a fantastic ability for CC. I can’t count the amount of times War Stomp has saved my ass. War Stomp can also be used in an opener which I’ll explain more in depth later. Essentially, you can use War Stomp as an additional stun when opening up on the target to keep them from casting.
Endurance - Endurance is a passive ability that increases your stamina by about 5%(scales with level). This is a nice addition when in PvP as it makes you a little bit less squishy.
Berserking - This ability increases your haste by 15% for 10 seconds. It’s very nice when you’re opening and want to spread dots around as fast as possible.
Da Voodoo Shuffle - This decreases the duration of all movement impairing effects(slows, roots, etc.) by 20%. However, because you’re a druid you can just switch to a different form to take these effects off. It’s still a nice passive though.
Again, both races are viable for feral. I have both a troll and tauren druid, and I don’t see a huge difference between the two. If you’re having a hard time deciding I’d recommend tauren as the warstomp is a bit more useful.