69 rogue, crit strike rating?

well im making a 69 rogue, i was basically for shits and gigs, going to make a glass cannon Ambush rogue.. gemming and speccin all agi/crit?? need some help!
well I would factor in how much crit you get from talents and work from there, I would say a healthy amount of crit would be 35-40% before talents, but I think you would be better off with a more balanced build and go shadow dance.

I think if you did want to go full glass cannon you should stack all agil, but thats just me I think it would be fun to an extent although in an all twink wsg if you got ff'd you would be toast.
hey whats up lolb, glad ur still trollin forums.. yes i did a chardev with all agi gems, and my crit was at 40.02, then i messed around and tried all crit chance then in bumped it up too 46.11, i factored in talents/glyphs. and yeah i realized that if i got FFed i would get raped, but i think for the big crit ambushes, and lets just say, when boys is runnin away, Shadowdance/AMbush him, i think i could do pretty well. the only flaw i really see is my HP, it was just above 8k, but IMO, as a Gcannon, i dont need much HP, as i will be a chump and ambush vanish, or something of that sort! hopefully u come back bro..

-notseventy from backdoor bandits Spriest<--lvled
Well... if you wanna be a TRUE glass cannon, you would gem AP. But agility will give you better return. Make sure you think it through though, most 69s are some breed of paladin and death knight, so an ambush rogue may not be the answer.
yeah well i did some theorycrafting, and with all my crit gems and chants imma have 46.11%crit. and with my ambush talent with 2/2 gives me 50% crit, if im thinking straight imma have 96.11% crit. correct?

and then with the beserker buff which i think gives 30% more damage, imma hit like a mac truck, to other rogues and clothies! hopefully.

but u never know untill you try, atleast thats what my gram said!

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