68!!! A new BC Twink Raiding Project!!! WE NEED YOU!!!


The Details

Inspired by Fifty (I'm Bambiluv there), I've decided to put together the BC version of this project. Presently 4 raids are available to do under level 70.

Magtheridon's Lair (65)
Gruul's Lair (65)
The Battle for Mount Hyjal (67) (zone in at 65 via summons)
Karazahn (68)
Zul'Aman was 68 but is gone now, and the rest are lvl 70 only and cannot be summoned into.

Based on what raids are available Karazahn being the highest available to run (and fun as all heck) but still under 70 was chosen to be our benchmark. Characters will twink out at level 68 with xp off to run these raids.

What is so cool about 68 vs other pve benchmarks?

Glad you asked! First it's only 1 lvl under the cap for the 65-69 bracket which means you won't get rolled by other twinks.
Flying, you can at least fly on the normal 100% speed flying mount.
Heroic BC instances and Regular (Heroic is 70 unless you're gated in) Magister's Terrace.
The 4 Raids all done under level and world firsts for each accomplished.


Yes you will be down one talent and it's the 31st point which can be a big deal. Once the project is completed however we are expecting characters to twink at 69, or 70 for good old BC style raiding!
Non-epic flight. You get cold-weather but not epic til 70.

Benchmarks- What are some of the character benchmarks? I took the time to figure some of that out and will post it later when I have more time.

Sounds cool, but where, when, and who?

Right now the guild that will be hosting is a new (well not new but lvl 1) guild called Testament. We will be changing the name soon and it's open for suggestions from members to better reflect our mission of leveling, twinking, and having fun! The server is Stormreaver, an excellent server with a high population, lively twink communities (especially 70s). It also has an excellent Economy so you won't get torn up leveling your profs too much. I strongly encourage people to roll on Stormreaver for this reason, though we will take some x-realms :).

Awesome, who do I contact?

Presently the guild is called Testament, on the Realm Stormreaver. The Guild Master is myself, Dartheanna AND Shadend/Trenathznd my brother.

This looks pretty easy what do we do once we're done?

I'm glad you asked! As suggested below we can always try to clear with as few people as possible. There's also the idea of gearing up without using any Lich King gems and gear, or we can do my favorite thing in the world, the Green Challenge!

What's that?

Project Green, the challenge where you use only green quality items or items of a certain ilvl in order to make the game more challenging, which is phase 2 of Project 68.

Final question, why doesn't this post look as nice as the Fifty one?

Easy. Substance over flash and I'm too lazy.
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This will be easy as fuck... Why? Lk gems... That is all, gl tho
It's for fun :) . I wanted to do it all at 65 but Blizzard did not see fit to make all of the raids available at 65 :(.
Neat to see another twink raiding effort get started.

Out of curiosity, I checked the gear on my 69, and most of it is available (or has something close) for 68. So the stats difference will be very minor. Like you said, the lack of the 31st talent point will by far make the biggest difference.
I can imagine this being fun for the first week until you've cleared all the conentent that is available to you, but quite franctly it won't be hard at all. Back at the start of BC as kara is like the first raid available, the tank would have been running around with ~14k hp etc. I'd imagine as a 68 twink nowadays you'd easily be able to gear a tank with 14k hp and your group will generally have superior stats to groups who were forced to clear it with worse gear back in the day (not to mention the insanely increased damage and healing brought by catacylsm alone). Goodluck, but with a brief overview it seems a tad pointless imo consealing no personal achievement. Oh and 69 twink bgs don't pop ever :p
There's always something to be done! As pointed out above once we're done with content it's just time to move along, and clearing with as few people as possible would be the next logical step. This project is centered around having fun after all :).
Is this EU btw? if it is, i'd strongly urge you to scrap this idea and follow the US' Steps of 50 tinking :3 You seem to have the 50 experience and if you were EU, you could help make it happen this side of the world :0 Just a thought, i know a few people that'd be up for it at is it.

I would be up for it ;) and looking at the tank the US use, i'm sure i have all the epic bis items in my bank so i could quite easily level a tank up.

but yeah, sorry for going off-topic :A
Is this EU btw? if it is, i'd strongly urge you to scrap this idea and follow the US' Steps of 50 tinking :3 You seem to have the 50 experience and if you were EU, you could help make it happen this side of the world :0 Just a thought, i know a few people that'd be up for it at is it.

I would be up for it ;) and looking at the tank the US use, i'm sure i have all the epic bis items in my bank so i could quite easily level a tank up.

but yeah, sorry for going off-topic :A

I'd be up for 50 raiding if it was eu too. There was this previous project I heard of that sounded cool too where a guild would try to complete certain wotlk raids at 80, but with no epics, epic gems or epic enchants. Had to be fully blue. Undergeared downs Blood Princes - YouTube (One of their kills)
Actually you can get into Hyjal at 65.
Also Heroic MGT you are able to zone in at 65.
Ive tested both on my 65 Twink
ßecause @ Stormrage - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Truely 68 is a bad idea. Your only able to get into 1 extra raid compaired to level 65 and that's Kara. Hyjal is already harder than kara so it makes it pointless in a way.
Also, no one having thier final talent tree tier is a pro, not a con. This makes raiding all that more challanging and pvp a little more fair.
Let me know what you guys think. If you yall decide that 65 is a better route, im already geared and will be down to roll a DK main tank. I really want to see some kind of project like this take off. As you can see from my armory, stats get pretty wild with the access of 450 professions.
Last note: I know Heroic MGT and Seth. Halls you are able to zone into to at 65 because I've done both for the mounts, but im not sure what the level req. on all other BC heroics is. I'm assuming its 65 because mgt is the last heroic instance in BC content. So If 65s did start up I'd suggest while building up the raid team, to start out in BC heroics, maybe 3-5 man. And eventually move to HMGT 5 man. And when the fan base is there start doing gruul's/mag's (10-15 people probably) . And if it ever got big enough hyjal ( Guessing 20 would be about right)
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well said buy although 68 seems more viable right now as more people are already gearing up for it. if you get something going ill level Loveus up to 65 to party witchu
At present most of the people who signed on are leveling and gearing for 68. Aside from a lot of the reasons listed in the OP, we also need people who will actually commit to the project and show up. While I'm still part of project 50 it's a good example of having people who are interested but unable or unwilling to put in the time to make it happen. Without at least the 10 man raid as a marker I feel we wouldn't get enough interest moving from heroics where we would only need a few to the 25s. Combine that with the fact that Gruul's/Mags are also zerg raids for the most part and I see boredom quickly forming outside of perhaps interest in transmogs, though this is likely to happen anyways. There is also the fact that Hyjal is significantly harder than either of those. I would also like to point out that thisproject could have a lot of draw for it in that we can always pug people in for the raid, which is excellent advertisement!

There's plenty to do once all the raids are beat as well, like going green for example, and going to 70 and so on and so forth. Discussion with some of the other players involved has yield that we might continue the project onwards through the other raids if Blizzard lowers the levels of the LK instances/raids, and the fact that all the mobs look like they will have their hp doubled come Mists.

If you do something with 65's Vee I'll definitely be interested, but at least as far as the project i'm spearheading we're doing it at 68, and then commencing with the Project Green aspect of it though, and of course twinked out BG and wargame fun.
If anyone is interested in the project contact me here if you're x-realming, you can pm me your real ID if you wish or have questions! I'll be creating a roster list soon as the heroic aspect will be taking off very shortly, thanks!
Definitely sign on if you're interested Rishana. I have a small group of guys gearing, but the main core of tanks and healz will be done gearing by this weekend, and having dps join would be nice. I expect the project to pick up steam as we go along b/c of it's multiphasic nature, and the fact that we can/will actually level once we complete all content available to continue the project further along.

I know what you mean about 60s, I had 2 60s and I never, ever play them anymore. I'm just too stubborn to lvl them lol.
All of Bc was nerfed period. If anyone bothers to read the project there is a section that entails us doing the project as twinks with the best twink gear possible, and a section entitled green, entailing doing it with all green gear. When we go to 70, it will be "blue" and than "green" and than the same when we go to LK material. I see a lot of posts from people about doing it at whatever lvl, but the truth of the matter is no one else has taken on doing any of these sorts of projects seriously. Sure 50 had a good start, but that fell apart rather quickly. Only time will tell if it comes together. Other people are doing "65" and I'm actually a part of that. Moving from 4 or 5 people doing heroics (especially when 3 suffices easily) to doing 25s, as well as Hyjal actually being significantly harder than Gruul/Mag, is a major turnoff for prospective candidates. My project is slated as a 4 phaser:

1: Twink out, have fun being OP. Having fun is important. This can be accomplished with not so many people. Build numbers from 5-10-25.
2: Challenge yourself. Twink out in blues, and than greens. There's many ways to go about this.
3: Accomplishment. Conquer the content in ways that no one or very few have.
4: Move on. After we're done at 68, we go to 70, than we go to 80, etc. Project 65 which seems to still be in the works is actually a progression of this.

Not knocking other similar projects, but these projects no matter how novel do not take off without numbers. Many of the BC heroics can be 2 manned at both 65 and 68, as well as a fair amount of Kara. All the old content has been heavily nerfed. As far as going straight to 25 man content for Gruul, Mags, which are zerg raids, from Heroic content: Good luck with that. Your project will probably not take off sorry to say. I know we all love twinking, but let's get serious here. How many people are going to actually commit? Moving from 5 man content, to 10 man content, to 25 man content is a much easier progression, whether or not you actually need the numbers as listed, you still need numbers. Hyjal is still actually hard, which is awesome.

I see lots of people say it's easy. It is. Run your own project though, get the numbers, and clear content. Not so easy. Go Blue, than go Green. See how many stick around. Not easy. If you think it's easy I agree. If you think it's easy to put it together and run it, it's not. Is it easy after you clear and people bail because you did it once, and want to move onto weaker gear to clear? No. If this were a perfect world, and we had players for everything all the time I might agree with that sentiment. We don't. If someone doesnt' want to join the project b/c it's "too easy" that's fine, but no one says they have to. I would love if people read the whole article and understood that this is not just "Project 68", but "Project 68, Blue, Green, 70, 80" etc. 85's still wipe on LK lol. We have an endgame, and this project is very long running in it's endeavor. Please respect and support us instead of wasting thread space.
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Project 68 will be running some Heroics tonight, and doing some pokes at Karzahn depending on who shows up. It's a very late night deal starting around maybe 10pm EST and we will be going til at least 3or 4am EST.

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