64 twinks - rally to greatness!

With queues in the 60-64 bracket dwindling, it is the time to build a community for ourselves, and hopefully engage enough people to increase activity - the ultimate goal being BGs with all 64's.

Many 60 twinks have stopped queueing with the changing of the brackets, and thus the future of this bracket lies with 64's. I would argue that the advantage of 64's playing together as opposed to 60's is that you are not in danger of being killed in two globals, since one can achieve a reasonable level of resilience at this level. Farming best-in-slot gear can be done in a day or two, and with 4.3 and transmogrification, it is possible to sport a vanilla look, which is one of the reasons the 60 bracket used to be as popular as it was.

A good friend and I started playing 64 twinks together and we both enjoy it immensely. We are looking for likeminded people to challenge and fight alongside with in duels, war game arenas and other fun activities. If enough interest arises, it might even be possible to form BGs via war games.

All this will go down on Laughing Skull (EU) - and whether you want to transfer your existing twink or create a new character on the server (gearing up is extremely easy), we will welcome you with open arms, always ready to help out with gearing and optimizing your character, be it by suggestions for gear, boosting in instances or aid with leveling a profession. Join the movement and share in the fun!
i look at the 64's and the 24's the same way, the only viable reason for ppl to roll it is cus they want the obvius advantage and have no problem gy farming.

this makes your entire post a joke in my eyes, and i see no way 64's actually making it to a point of seriousness.
While I can't speak for EU 60-64s (to which the armory link in the first post points), US 60-64s like to blame the problem on the disparity between 60s and 64s, when the real issue is general skill level and dedication to gear set completion. 60s with decent PvP skills burn down 64s of any skill level just fine. There just aren't that many skilled 60s (or 64s for that matter), as the bracket is much more casual than other XP-off brackets. That makes the gear disparity seem wider than it is.

I don't see 60-64 as anything like 20-24. The gear disparity is much, much larger between F2P 20s and P2P 24s than it is between 60s and 64s.

The 60-64 bracket is indeed in mid-transition now, but not because of players being 60, 64, or anything in between. The transition concerns the bracket becoming like other XP-off brackets, which erodes the casual PvP approach that many 60s had before getting put in the 60-64 XP-off bracket.

ps. Nice 49 Holy Paladan profile pic there, Hapsen.
It scares me a bit that I can figure that out from the pic alone.
I still really cannot understand this problem that people have with people playing at the highest possible level for that bracket. It only really seems to concern the 0-4 half of each of the old brackets than the 5-9 section.

Whilst I can understand to some extent the plight of the F2P versus level 24's, as the F2P crowd are obviously stuck with being 20 and they are trying to (or indeed have) build a community around it. This is a none issue for the other brackets and the angst and opposition to people having the highest level in their respective brackets seems to be largely 60-64 and 70-74.

The issue is slightly less at 70-74 with the resilience and loss of stats from being the higher level, with the trade off of more talent points and maybe an extra useful ability. The thing is old 60's who like their raid gear and also 70's but to a lesser extent, seem to have a problem with people playing characters of 64 and 74 respectively. I have two level 60 twinks (infact had three till I levelled my 60 druid to 70), I also have a 64 rogue which I have not finished gearing yet so I have not PvP'ed with him hardly as a 64.

I do not complain about going against 64's as a 60. Staying at a set level is a personal choice, no one is forced to. I would not level my 60 Paladin or DK twinks to 64 for anything. I accept the slight disadvantage simply because it is my choice to stay there, even though I know I am up against it compared to the 64's.

Since when has twinking not been about getting the best advantage you can get? Not everyone conforms to this perfect ethical code that people seem to want to preach. Am I to be villified because I have a 39 hunter and I am giving myself an unfair advantage compared to people who choose to lock their character at level 35? Get real.

Twinking by it's very nature is trying to give yourself the best possible chance and/or advantage over your opponent to gain the upper hand. We are not talking about ethics here like GY camping or farming but purely about the character whether it be it's class, level or abilities.

The years may have gone by but everything still remains the same. You cannot change the core of twinking irrespective of your views, complaints or crusades.
Got transfers rolling in, hope to have some arena battles within the next few days, and at the very least some entertaining duels!

By the way Sharlindra, if you want to come on your warrior you'd be more than welcome. It's great to have a diversity of classes. We have a shaman now, but no rogues yet, so we will try to keep an even number of each class to not make it a rogue / pala fest. Never the less, everyone is encouraged to move their twink over to Laughing Skull and join the fun!
thank you very much, but i dont have much time for playing in the guilds.

and yeah rare classes (shitty ones that cant hurt much is VERY FUN to play
~ )
Is your warrior EU or US? We're in Europe obviously, but the point of the transfer to LS is to give people a possibility to do war games and duels vs. other 64 twinks, what with BG queues becoming less frequent, so even if you don't have time to participate a lot, it would be fun to have as many 64's as possible to ensure a healthy level of activity.
Love my 64 but I really like AV(just for variety).....which never pops anymore....will probably take him to 70-74.

I can't leave him inactive since he was my FIRST twink ever at 19 back in early BC....and he was so terrible he was awesome.

Why not just make the ques for 56-60, 61-65 and so on.

It would make the problem of 64s go away and they can have their own bracket.

U delusional? That would virtually kill ques for both.....and one thing I know is that once a bracket is dead...it stays dead.
Why not just make the ques for 56-60, 61-65 and so on.

It would make the problem of 64s go away and they can have their own bracket.

Personally, I think it would be a great idea for all the brackets. Convert them back to x1-x5 and x6-x0, except for an 81-84 bracket. It won't make any more of an impact on the XP-on brackets where higher-level players have the upper hand anyway, but it would help several brackets finally establish firm identities. ...Actually, that deserves a blog entry. I'll get to that later today.

Twinking by it's very nature is trying to give yourself the best possible chance and/or advantage over your opponent to gain the upper hand. We are not talking about ethics here like GY camping or farming but purely about the character whether it be it's class, level or abilities.

This is true for every bracket except 60-64. 60s played for different reasons than most twinkers, and while that community is slowly dying off to be replaced by the kind of twinkers you describe, it's a shame to see them go.
To be honest, 64s are cake in my eyes, they are generally skilless or lacking some enchants/gems/gear or they lack practice with their classes.

Maybe I'm ok with 64s because of my class and /played experience, however, frost mages are the worst thing happened to this bracket in my opinion

To be honest, 64s are cake in my eyes, they are generally skilless or lacking some enchants/gems/gear or they lack practice with their classes.

Maybe I'm ok with 64s because of my class and /played experience, however, frost mages are the worst thing happened to this bracket in my opinion

I don't think that's just a 64 thing. If you play decently, you'll do fine in the bracket regardless of what level you choose.
i look at the 64's and the 24's the same way, the only viable reason for ppl to roll it is cus they want the obvius advantage and have no problem gy farming.

this makes your entire post a joke in my eyes, and i see no way 64's actually making it to a point of seriousness.

Funny, I always thought getting more levels and better gear was the logical thing to do, guess I was wrong and have no idea how to play this game...

Anyways I realize this is on EU, but i'm an avid 60 player on US and we get queues starting from 5pm to 2-3 am(give or take due to time zones). I have 4 toons at 64 and play it everynight.

The "old school" 60s all quit and act like it's the end of the bracket, it's rather funny because a lot of them suck. When really it's a rebirth of the bracket, were rid of all the sarcastic doucge bag "old" players, and now it's people that just want to play, not act like a prick and flex their epeen.

So TLDR: Anyone on US servers come try out the bracket!

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