60 Vanilla twink - tbc trial


I wonder if there's anything special to keep in mind if i activate 10-day trial on my vanilla account to get some better gear and skill Engineering + Enchanting to 375 - If possible - )

Any advice is apprechiated, but please don't reply if you're not 100% sure :)


You could get exalted with Cenarion expedition for the title "Guardian of Cenarius" or get exalted with Kuren'ai / Mag'har for some cool mounts
stops you 1xp from lvling (was said in another thread here). only turn xp off it youre paranoid, or dont wanna do BGs during the trial, if you leave it on you can do xp on bg's still. but yea log out in vanilla zones when its close to 10 days
it resets after awhile (heard anywhere from 1-3 months). with proper planning 10 days should be more than enough. but yea it'll reset just in case you make more twinks in the future
Just ticketed a GM and got a straight reply for once, the reset time on a TBC Trial is 3 Months from the date your last trial ended.
^ sticky that somewhere
Get all the Socket gear possible

3 socket belt = 60 agil/90 stam/69 SP. You get the point. Its expensive, but how else are you going to fight those level 69's in BG?

Exactly, your not.

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