Taitaih said:
I'm actually interested in doing this as well. Tell me if you hear of anything
umm sorry to burst ur bubble guys but i tried this alrdy...its really awful for a couple reasons...
as a preface id like to say that me and some friends did this because we thought it would be like returning to vanilla wow...which we all agreed had the best endgame of any of the "phases" of wow
anyway this is why we stopped playing:
1.) the leveling...its a bitch to level to 60 without RaF...we had RaF and it still took us like a week of our xmas break to hit 60 (we didnt get runs)
2.) its not really very different from lvl 80 mains...u get some of the moves that come with BC (for instance my hunter had steady shot)....u also get the wrath/bc talents....u get all the wotlk enchants and you get glyphs and sockets...its just nothing like vanilla wow
3.) its just like twinking, but ur gear takes forever to get...u think raiding will be fun (we did) but when u hit 60, u start raiding and it turns from a jolly old raid into a pair of 80s soloing MC while u sit back and do nothing....when u get to BWL/AQ40 u need like 5-8 80s to run u through and the strategies actually need to be followed...its a bitch and u basically sit there for 5 hours only to see pally gear drop for ur horde guild
4.) the pvp is epic fail...u can only get gear runs later in the day, since its very hard to get enough 80s interested in running you through a raid when its not prime-time...so while ur not raiding u pvp...now u prolly remember awesome vanilla wow BGs....but what u actually get is a death knight infested 51-60 AV that is as boring as 80 AV...and if ur thinking "we'll just play WSG and AB," think again...they are in the 60-69 bracket...enjoy squaring up with ppl who double ur health and dps...
once again sorry to burst ur bubble....maybe u'll have fun doing it, but honestly i alrdy tried and it failed pretty badly...
i hope u have a better experience, or that i save u the trouble of getting a new account and doing all that lvling