60 twinks

just to get things started, anyone else really interested in 60 twinking? its not exactly twinking if you just decided to keep your acount vanilla, i wish i had, but anyone have any comments on 60 AV or just have general questions about class/race to pick?

just to get things started, i know that pallies are OP in this bracket but should i roll dwarf for stoneform because of DK diseases and debuffs, or human because they have the 2min CD movement release. stoneform will automatically remove the Chains of Ice debuff as will the every man for himself, but stoneform has 3min CD, and i think ill be getting chains of iced quite often so the shorter cd will probably come in handy. any comments on that?
i really hate to burst ur bubble or w/e....but dont bother its a BITCH...reallys gets old fast for a couple reasons:

1.) You have to level to 60 which even with RaF can still be semi-annoying.

2.) Bgs are super lame because you can only do AV (cant compete with BC geared 69s) which gets really old really fast.

3.) DKs are everywhere.

4.) You need a new account...another 15 a month + 20 $ startup fee to activate account.

5.) Playstyle is like 80, but without cooler moves. Hunters spam steady shot, healers spam flash heal/lesser healing wave...its kinda a spammy way unbalanced playstyle...u have like 4k hp and u do 4000 dmg in like 5 seconds...on my hunter duels last about 12 seconds...however long someones (ice block, bubble, ect) lasts + 3 seconds for BM pet to anally dominate them...its not that fun compared to other brackets

6.) The reason most of us twink is because we dont really like 80 all that much...well in this, u have to raid for gear, u grind AV all day and the playstyle is unbalanced...its 80, but like worse.

7.) To add to the "its 80, but lame" thing...u have glyphs and wrath enchants...

8.) You have to raid for gear...u think this sounds fun, but unless u have 30-40 ppl to raid, u end up getting runs by 80s...this is extremely fucking boring because its like getting run on normal twinks, but u can only go once a week and u have like a 10% drop chance on all loot...also 80s that raid pre-bc stuff for u are 12 years old and dumb so they suck and wipe...raiding is a generally negative experience unless u can actually get enough ppl together to comman an all lvl 60 raid

sorry if i sound really negative, but i tried it...wasted 20 bucks and a roughly 24 hours of my life...then i quit

i enjoyed it at first, but i realised i could do most of the stuff and more at 80...only with much more/better competition...i also found that i had 0 incentive to play except when i could get a raid going on weekends...bgs just got boring very quickly

once again sorry to sound negative...i just strongly feel that 60 twinks are an EPIC waste of time
Tetox said:
i really hate to burst ur bubble or w/e....but dont bother its a BITCH...reallys gets old fast for a couple reasons:

1.) You have to level to 60 which even with RaF can still be semi-annoying.

2.) Bgs are super lame because you can only do AV (cant compete with BC geared 69s) which gets really old really fast.

3.) DKs are everywhere.

4.) You need a new account...another 15 a month + 20 $ startup fee to activate account.

5.) Playstyle is like 80, but without cooler moves. Hunters spam steady shot, healers spam flash heal/lesser healing wave...its kinda a spammy way unbalanced playstyle...u have like 4k hp and u do 4000 dmg in like 5 seconds...on my hunter duels last about 12 seconds...however long someones (ice block, bubble, ect) lasts + 3 seconds for BM pet to anally dominate them...its not that fun compared to other brackets

6.) The reason most of us twink is because we dont really like 80 all that much...well in this, u have to raid for gear, u grind AV all day and the playstyle is unbalanced...its 80, but like worse.

7.) To add to the "its 80, but lame" thing...u have glyphs and wrath enchants...

8.) You have to raid for gear...u think this sounds fun, but unless u have 30-40 ppl to raid, u end up getting runs by 80s...this is extremely fucking boring because its like getting run on normal twinks, but u can only go once a week and u have like a 10% drop chance on all loot...also 80s that raid pre-bc stuff for u are 12 years old and dumb so they suck and wipe...raiding is a generally negative experience unless u can actually get enough ppl together to comman an all lvl 60 raid

sorry if i sound really negative, but i tried it...wasted 20 bucks and a roughly 24 hours of my life...then i quit

i enjoyed it at first, but i realised i could do most of the stuff and more at 80...only with much more/better competition...i also found that i had 0 incentive to play except when i could get a raid going on weekends...bgs just got boring very quickly

once again sorry to sound negative...i just strongly feel that 60 twinks are an EPIC waste of time

you should have rolled on a server that had a 60 raiding guild. many people don't even pvp on their 60 'twinks' and only raid on them, which i personally enjoy more than AV, especially now that DKS have ruined it. <Sixty> on Magtheridon and <Heralds of Yore> on smolderthorn are two 60 raiding guilds i know of.
yeah i actually started this thread and thought about 60, but 60 pvp can be really fun, and if you actuallyknow how to play,DKs dont totally ruin the fun. i like being reminded of when it was prebc, and its really. plusi know someone with a pure vanilla raid account and he rapes. either way im US in answer to elocons question.
my opinion: lv60 AV is for getting your 30 marks for the black war mount.

when i finally level my 49 twink, gradius, he's only briefly stopping in AV at 60 for the thirty marks.
meh, personally it says a lot more if you get the AV mount, and i know a few people who only do it for the mount. they stayed twink for a while (and grant it they dont fail at WoW), they loved it and continued to twink at 60. but they were all rogue, drood or pally, which really are decent against DKs so priests, shamans, or hunters who arent already twinked may have a few problems enjoying it as much as possible. i personally had a hunter at 60 and it took me forever to get my epic set because of dks.
Im am in the process of making a prebc twink, its more of a trophy than an actual twink because i do see this as getting boring. ATM im rolling a human warrior for the 2 min insigna and going arms because i see titans as being redundant for pvp. I have a guild on my server so this probably will work and im just grinding the grandmarshal gear.

First thing im going to do is make him a half ass 39 twink and get exalted with ab and wsg. I want the awsome tabard from arathi that will match my armor so well and might as well pick up the justicar title while im there. Then ill move on to 60 and farm up my gear.

Im also going to be getting the wrath and bc trials once im ready to quickly powerlevel my professions. Im going to get 375 inscription for 100 ap to shoulders and 400 leatherworking for 100 ap to bracers.

As said above this probably will get boring right? I have fun with these types of twinks and wsg gets boring on 19 so i will get to explore some other brackets in the making.
how can you remember the good old vanilla days in PVP when you see DEATH KNIGHT everywhere ?

its not like this game could be fought vanilla against vanilla.

reguardless of how much you want it to stay vanilla you are still fighting against people with wrath or BC, even both att he same time, in the end vanilla is gone and the feeling will never be the same. that's what tetox wanted to tell you !

for my part i'm like him, stay between 1-49 if you wish to play vanilla that much !
I have a level 60 warlock twink and to be honest, raiding and gathering gear is 90% of the fun. AV is complete bollocks unless your in a premade and with the infestation of DK's WSG isn't at all fun.

But i rolled on a server with a dedicated 60 guild that have atleast 10 people on all the time.

My character is called Fearinishard and it should be under my profile to the right under my twinks.

inky said:
I have a level 60 warlock twink and to be honest, raiding and gathering gear is 90% of the fun. AV is complete bollocks unless your in a premade and with the infestation of DK's WSG isn't at all fun.

But i rolled on a server with a dedicated 60 guild that have atleast 10 people on all the time.

My character is called Fearinishard and it should be under my profile to the right under my twinks.


That would be sweet leveling through on my way to 69 and grabing the hand of ragnoross or something. Relive the old glory days when I was running Molten core in "Of Shadow Wrath"
I am trying out this bracket because AV is my favorite. And I learned some things. For one, you get XP for killing the NPCs or being near em when they die. So that sucks. I got 1500 XP for killing a commander by myself and 668 for the GY guards, and that is rested XP. So you have to watch that. I started at 145/290k XP and about 5 days later I have 20k more XP. So a 60 twink needs to play D and once the NPCs are killed, you can move forward. IMO it takes some fun outta the game. And on my server Nathrezim, most of the games are lopsided, lately 2 to 1 favoring the horde.

But on the good side, my mage tops the DPS charts with frost. My blizzard is nasty critting at 850 per tick now. 1 or 2 will kill most anybody and they get stuck in it quickly. There is nothing funner than watching 10 blood elf DKs stuck in it and dying lol. And when I spec arcane, I can take just about anybody one on one including those nasty rogues. But I prefer frost for the blizzard action which is my spell 80% of the time. Most of the AVs are turtles one way or another and that spell works well. I plan on leveling the mage sometime so I am not too worried about the XP. Name is Coldtaco...

Oh, and I have killed a bunch of 68-69 horde players solo in WSG and AB, not the twinks though. Arcane works well for that.
not a bad idea as far as stam stacking goes, but you left off titanguard from weapon.
Hi, thinking of bringing one of my 49's to the 60 bracket and was wondering what professions are good to take? Not going to take engineering for the retardedly OP trinket btw.

And before anyone says it, I don't care about the flood of deathknights in the bracket ;)

Edit: Will be my enhance shaman.
i have a 60 twink resto shaman which i've put a bit of effort into, i actually enjoy playing him not for the BG purposes usually even though being a healer in WSG and actually standing up to the 69's who are not twinks is nice. dueling is one of the things i like to do dueling people 15 lvls above you can be interesting. I agree on the DK part its VERY annoying like 3/4 of the bracket is DK's 1/2 the time. The whole actually earning your gear is a big deal to me unlike the 19 brackets and such you actually have to RAID and put effort into it instead of having one friend run you through till w/e you need drops. I put effort into organizing AQ 40 / BWL raids each week and i enjoy it if you want to look at my shaman here's a link

Jerry said:
Hi, thinking of bringing one of my 49's to the 60 bracket and was wondering what professions are good to take? Not going to take engineering for the retardedly OP trinket btw.

And before anyone says it, I don't care about the flood of deathknights in the bracket ;)

Edit: Will be my enhance shaman.

BS and JC would be best for the extra sockets + super gems and don't hate on the retardedly OP trinkets :D
Leatherworking and inscription are my favorite at this point for 115 ap to bracers and 115 ap to shoulders. Maybe going inscription and jc might be better for the trinkets and shoulders but im not sure yet because im not starting anything new until the newf hammer comes.

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