60 twink warlock help

Hello there! I was wondering if anyone here had any knowledge on 60 twink warlocks. I am very very interested in making one atm. Here is some info

Horde: Due to some really good twink guilds

Orc:5% more pet damage and bloodfury, also look really cool with warlords set

Spec:Demonology, im really intrested in infernal and felguard, im a very skilled warlock so i would love to see how this turns out in the long run. Also cause im an orc the pet damage would help =)


Head: Warlord's Dreadweave Hood

NecK: Heartblood Prayer Beads

Shoulder: Warlord's Dreadweave Mantle

Cloak: Probably something of shadow wrath

Chest: Warlord's Dreadweave Robe

Bracers: Probably something of shadow wrath also

Gloves: General's Dreadweave Gloves

Belt: Also something of shadow wrath/ The belt that asorbs like 4k damage i think? and gives stam, from engineering im pretty sure.

Leggings: General's Dreadweave Pants

Boots: General's Dreadweave Boots

Rings: Witching Band, other is undecided

Trinkets - Insignia of the horde Power of the High Cheif

Weapon: High Warlord's Spellblade

Offhand: High Warlord's Tome of Destruction

This is as far as i know right now, there are not many warlock twinking guides and i cant seem to find any info on 60 warlocks AT THE MOMENT.

Please tell me of any advice or anything i should add or change please post here i would greatly appreciate it =)

Also where are warlocks at in the 60 bracket, horribad or just in the middle or so =) thanks
idk much about 60 locks but i'd say dont get too caught up on being an orc. blood fury is nice, but not game breaking and 5% damage is so meh. also all specs get to summon infernals & dont forget to do the quest for the doomguard.

for gear id say Idoom had some nice lookin stuff, kegs too but obviously over half his stuff is unobtainable. glhf
Falkor said:
idk much about 60 locks but i'd say dont get too caught up on being an orc. blood fury is nice, but not game breaking and 5% damage is so meh. also all specs get to summon infernals & dont forget to do the quest for the doomguard.

for gear id say Idoom had some nice lookin stuff, kegs too but obviously over half his stuff is unobtainable. glhf

Ok so your saying i should be an undead due to the larger mana pool and Wtf, also canabalize is nice for some quick health.

Anything else? Like what professions should i get, and what gear should i have before i start raiding.
nobody said:
Ok so your saying i should be an undead due to the larger mana pool and Wtf, also canabalize is nice for some quick health.

Anything else? Like what professions should i get, and what gear should i have before i start raiding.

def Herb, Engy (if you can afford it) is EXTREAMLY good due to rocket boots, chicken trinkets, and other useful stuff.
Ohnooz said:
def Herb, Engy (if you can afford it) is EXTREAMLY good due to rocket boots, chicken trinkets, and other useful stuff.

Im def gonna get herb and ill work my way up for engineering, if anything ill mine my own matts.
threesets said:
Does anyone how much it costs to just buy the mats off of the ah, for 0-max eng?

Varys per server, but don't do it unless you have a good 20k to 30k of backup gold. Not something you'd have if you have no 80 :(

Get mining, it helps A LOT, drop it once you hit 375 engy & then power level herb to 375.
All specs are effective, depends on the situation

Afflic is great for playing distraction & flag running

Demo is anti melee

Destro is "IF YOU DONT DIE TO CHAOS BOLT, YOU'LL DIE TO CONFLAG OR SHADOWBURN SUP", suffers from a longer set up time but pays off in huge Chaos Bolt dmg.
I skilled 15-390 engineering on Outland EU alliance and it only costed me like 6k and those last skills were really lame.
Späck said:
I skilled 15-390 engineering on Outland EU alliance and it only costed me like 6k and those last skills were really lame.

Did you have mining?

If not, your server has a very low based economy, and I would LOVE it.

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