60 Twink PvP - Horde <Luge Crash Survivor>

read the site over there are some requirements. MsG me in game if you have any further questions.




Is it true that you don't allow twinks from DIRTY to join LCS as well? I plan on having 5 Horde and 5 Alliance.
We have a few alts under a "spy" rank of ally players that we know real well in guild. Other then that we don't allow anyone who's main is ally on the battlegroup have their alts in guild. sry.
judiscpriest said:
We have a few alts under a "spy" rank of ally players that we know real well in guild. Other then that we don't allow anyone who's main is ally on the battlegroup have their alts in guild. sry.

My main is on Horde but I have a toon in DIRTY.
judiscpriest said:
names of toons?

Atm I have 2 60s, 1 Horde side 1 Alliance, leveliing up 2 more Horde atm and 1 more Alliance. My Alliance warrior Kriht is more geared atm but that's because I'm not in a guild on Horde side yet (my main is pretty much my banker on Horde side, getting gold for 300/300 profs atm), but I rolled my 60 Horde Priest (Thirk) first specifically to join LCS, I don't see why you would deny me membership when my intention was to help the guild, I'm not taking any sides aside from my banking "main".
The only kind of help I need is someone who is dedicated to their twink. If your playing both sides that doesn't really work well for us. In a perfect world I would have a guild full of players playing one toon that is fully twinked. But that just don't happen in this bracket :(
judiscpriest said:
The only kind of help I need is someone who is dedicated to their twink. If your playing both sides that doesn't really work well for us. In a perfect world I would have a guild full of players playing one toon that is fully twinked. But that just don't happen in this bracket :(

Actually, when my old account was up i was like that. You should really read up on my PM.
judiscpriest said:
The only kind of help I need is someone who is dedicated to their twink. If your playing both sides that doesn't really work well for us. In a perfect world I would have a guild full of players playing one toon that is fully twinked. But that just don't happen in this bracket :(

I am fully dedicated to my twinks. I don't do 80 endgame, I'm currently fully focused on banking on Mal'Ganis Horde and making 60 twinks.
<Rockin the Nine set> Joined mal'ganis alliance today. World pvp on a epic scale incoming.
judiscpriest said:
<Rockin the Nine set> Joined mal'ganis alliance today. World pvp on a epic scale incoming.

Holy shit, they transferred? This is going to be fucking epic.
Did our weekly arena night and had a great showing. Played for a good 4 hours. RT9S queued the whole time with the players they had. had a few randoms queue along with 15 LCS members. Good fun and i love the new competition.
judiscpriest said:
<Rockin the Nine set> Joined mal'ganis alliance today. World pvp on a epic scale incoming.

And with that, I come back.

brb DLing WoW & getting some of my HoN buddies to join up.
Theres a few more screens then this, we did a total of 5 10+ 60's and always came up a few short because of AFK's for our pre-made Arathi basins today. Was fun non the less. GG's all.


Since RT9S has came over we have been doing them on a Daily basis. Im sure that will die down, but as they get more members over we are pushing for world pvp action. We have Arena night every WED for SS battlegroup. once we start, we usually play for 3-5 hours depending on the turnout. Sitting in queue on any other day, you will get pops, but they are few and far between. Simply asking for arena will get you a match 80% of the time.

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