read the site over there are some requirements. MsG me in game if you have any further questions.
judiscpriest said:We have a few alts under a "spy" rank of ally players that we know real well in guild. Other then that we don't allow anyone who's main is ally on the battlegroup have their alts in guild. sry.
judiscpriest said:names of toons?
judiscpriest said:The only kind of help I need is someone who is dedicated to their twink. If your playing both sides that doesn't really work well for us. In a perfect world I would have a guild full of players playing one toon that is fully twinked. But that just don't happen in this bracket
judiscpriest said:The only kind of help I need is someone who is dedicated to their twink. If your playing both sides that doesn't really work well for us. In a perfect world I would have a guild full of players playing one toon that is fully twinked. But that just don't happen in this bracket
judiscpriest said:<Rockin the Nine set> Joined mal'ganis alliance today. World pvp on a epic scale incoming.
judiscpriest said:<Rockin the Nine set> Joined mal'ganis alliance today. World pvp on a epic scale incoming.